2 A.M.C.A.Koster,X.Mu
the networks and technological features, whereas algorithms are used to compute
solutions for cost-efficient design and smooth operation of the technologies.
The field of discrete mathematics deals with discrete structures such as graphs,
hyper-graphs, and general combinatorial designs (e.g., balanced incomplete block
designs, group divisible designs, etc.), which represent excellent instruments for
modeling complex processes such as communication networks in an abstract, con-
cise, and precise manner, concentrating on their relevant properties in order to ana-
lyze situations and elaborate problem solutions. While physical or virtual networks
naturally allow for modeling with graphs, graphs are also used to describe more
abstract relations such as the conflict between the various elements of a communi-
cation network (e.g., interference between antennae; see Section Parame-
ters defined for these discrete structures characterize not only the structures, but also
furnish essential information on the applications being investigated. Moreover, pow-
erful tools can be developed to solve practical problems by adapting core algorithms
stemming from the discrete mathematics field.
An algorithm is a procedural step-by-step description to answer questions that
are too complex to be solved instantly. When a numerical answer is expected, the
algorithmic steps typically involve elementary computations. As the complexity of
the question increases, the need for algorithms that require as few elementary com-
putations as possible increases as well. Although modern computers allow for mil-
lions of computations in a short time frame, certain algorithms are still too time
consuming to answer practical relevant questions.
Motivated by practical problems to be solved, the study of efficient algorithms is
one of the most prolific and successful fields of computer science. Besides efficient
algorithms, it has generated several important concepts, such as the notions of ran-
domized algorithm, NP-hard optimization problem, and approximation algorithm.
Typically, the field explores the design of an efficient (deterministic or randomized)
algorithm for the problem at hand. If the problem is NP-hard, it resorts to the de-
velopment of an approximation algorithm (see Section 1.3 for further details). The
study of online versions of these algorithms has become an important stream of
research, since the problem input is not known in advance in most applications.
The field of mathematical optimization deals with the development and imple-
mentation of optimization algorithms to support (quantitative) decisions. In commu-
nication networks, mathematical optimization is primarily applied to network design
problems in wireless and broadband networks. Typical tasks for which mathemat-
ical optimization assists decision makers are the cost-effective design of network
infrastructures, the reduction of interference in wireless networks, the area-wide in-
troduction of digital broadcasting, and the determination of routing weights in OSPF
Internet routing. Mathematical optimization (as well as other fundamental areas)
also may help in identifying bottlenecks in systems and in conceiving workarounds
and suggesting possible improvements. Optimization is also important in terms of
economics and other business aspects related to communication networks.
Many (network) optimization problems can be modeled by means of a graph, and
the decisions have a discrete structure. In such cases, a combinatorial optimization
problem has to be solved. One branch of mathematical optimization focuses on the