through two separate pathways, namely kinesthetic and tactile information pathways,
perception studies in the human sense of touch can also be categorized with respect
to the fundamental information contained within the stimuli. Irrespective of whether
the dominant pathway is kinesthetic or tactile, existing studies have looked at discrim-
ination or identification of surface properties (e.g., shape and surface texture) and vol-
umetric properties (e.g., mass and sponginess) of objects.
Current studies of the just noticeable differences (JNDs) for kinesthetic and
tactile senses have focused on discrimination of geometries, textures, and volu-
metric properties of objects held by the human, or have focused on discrimination
of the subject’s own limb movements; see Durlach and Mavor (1995) for a compre-
hensive review. The JND is the smallest difference in a specified modality of
sensory input that is detectable by a human. It is also referred to as the difference
limen or the differential threshold.
Early kinesthetic studies by Clark and colleague and Jones and Hunter (Clark
& Horch, 1986; Clark, 1992; Jones & Hunter, 1992) investigated human perception
of limb positions and concluded that humans are capable of detecting joint rota-
tions of a fraction of a degree performed over a second of time interval. Jones
and Hunter (1992) also reported the differential threshold for limb movement as
8 percent. Further psychophysical experiments conducted by Tan and colleagues
(1994) determined the JND for the finger joints as 2.5 percent, for the wrist and
elbow as 2 percent, and for the shoulder as 0.8 percent.
Durlach and colleagues (1989) investigated the length resolution for rigid
objects held in a pinch grasp between the thumb and the forefinger (Durlach
et al., 1989). Commonly accepted perception thresholds for length resolution are
given as about 1 mm for a reference length of 10 mm, increasing to 2 to 4 mm
for a reference length of 80 mm. For purposes of comparison, the thickness of a
penny is approximately 1.57 mm, whereas its diameter is about 19 mm.
Later experiments focusing on object size characterized the effect of varying
levels of force output and virtual surface stiffness on the ability of human subjects
to perform size identification and size discrimination tasks in a simulated environ-
ment (O’Malley & Goldfarb, 2002, 2004; Upperman et al., 2004; O’Malley & Upper-
man, 2006). In an application where haptic cues are provided for navigation,
detection of the stimuli is important and not their discrimination from each other.
In such a scenario, low forces and virtual surface stiffness may suffice. Note that
these cues will feel soft or squishy due to low force and stiffness levels. On the
other hand, tasks that require size discrimination, such as palpation in a medical
trainer, require larger force and stiffness values and, consequently, a haptic inter-
face capable of larger force output and of higher quality. Recently, McKnight and
colleagues (2004) extended these psychophysical size discrimination experiments
to include two- and three-finger grasps.
The bandwidth of the kinesthetic sensing system has been estimated at 20 to
30 Hz (Brooks, 1990). In other words, the kinesthetic sensing system cannot sense
movements that happen more frequently than 30 times in a second. Hence, in
2.1 Nature of the Interface