computer games for, 165
computer interfaces, 78–79
eye characteristics, 308
in Food Simulator project, 296
haptic interfaces for, 47–50
multimodal interfaces for, 413–414
Visual aspects, in small-screen
interfaces, 309–311, 324–325
Visual cues, in locomotion
interfaces, 112–113, 138
Visual overload, auditory interfaces for, 162
Vocabulary, in gesture interfaces, 98–102
Voice Extensible Markup Language
(VXML), 231, 387
Voice mail, 229, 232, 236
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), 231
Voice portals, 364
Voice recognition systems, 84
Voice talent, for IVR interfaces, 240–241, 248,
Voice user interfaces (VUIs), 197–198
applications, 216–217
automated conversations.
case studies, 224
design guidelines, 220–224
designers, 215
future trends, 224–226
human factors design, 214–217
phone systems, 213–214
recognition process, 209–211
speech recognition historical notes, 212–213
technology, 208–209
testing, 217–220
user-centered design, 215–216
VoiceXML system, 387
Voicing, for sonification, 148
Volatility, of odor intensity, 283
VTracker system, 401
VUI designers (VUIDs), 215
Voice user interfaces
Walk-up-and-use IVR interfaces, 236, 247
Walker, B. N., 166, 179
Walking, in locomotion interfaces, 109–110,
124–127, 141
Walking-in-place (WIP) interfaces,
125–126, 129
Walls, in haptic environments, 27–28
Wang, H. O., 21
Wavetable synthesis, 159
Wayfinding, 110
Wearable olfactory displays, 278–279
Wearable tactile interfaces, 45–46
Weather radar, 366–367
Web portals, 364
Weber-Fechner’s law, 283
Weissman, C. D., 93
Wells, J. D., 319
Wickens, C., 243
Wii system, 5–6, 142–143, 353
Wiker, S., 33
Williges, R., 336
Winberg, F., 180–182
Window-Eyes screen reader, 165
Windows, in small-screen interfaces, 337
Windows Mobile Smartphones, 342
WIP system, 406
Wireless phones, 245
Within-menu placement, in small-screen
interfaces, 331
Wizard of Oz (WOZ) testing and experiments
auditory interfaces, 178
gesture interfaces, 99, 101
multimodal interfaces, 423–424
VUIs, 218
multimodal interfaces, 425
small-screen interfaces, 350
Wood, J., 48
Word processing, gesture interfaces for, 90
Word spacing, in small-screen interfaces,
Wording conventions, in IVR interfaces, 253
Worlds-in-Miniature technique, 127–128
WorldViz Precision Position Tracker, 119
Wrists, in gesture interfaces, 91–93
Extensible Markup Language
XTRA multimodal system, 395
Yanagida, Y., 279
Yu, W., 48
Zero (0) key, in IVR interfaces, 256–257
Zoom, in small-screen interfaces, 338