F.P. van der Meer and L.J. Sluys
element size in the localization region is smaller than this width. Of these, the im-
plicit gradient model has been applied to anisotropic materials like composites by
Germain et al. [12]. Another possibility is to resolve mesh dependence with arti-
ficial viscosity [42, 49]. Artificial viscosity is an appealing option, because of its
easy implementation and limited extra computational costs, although it entails an
unphysical rate dependence and, consequently, difficulties in model calibration and
validation. Maim´ı et al. [27] and Lapczyk and Hurtado [22] already proposed to use
artificial viscosity, but only to improve stability of the simulation. In recent work,
we have presented a continuum damage model and a softening plasticity in both
of which artificial viscosity ensures mesh objectivity of the results [29]. Unfortu-
nately, the continuum models proved to be inadequate for the simulation of failure
mechanisms such as illustrated in Fig. 2.
Besides continuum failure theories, there are discontinuous failure models. With
these, failure is represented as a discontinuity in the displacement field instead of
as localized strain, and a cohesive zone may be modeled by defining tractions that
work on the crack surface as a function of the displacement jump. Examples of dis-
continuous failure methods are interface elements and the eXtended Finite Element
Method (XFEM). Interface elements are special elements that are placed between
regular continuum finite elements, and that allow the elements to separate after the
traction between the elements exceeds a certain threshold. In the context of compos-
ite materials, interface elements are regularly applied for the modeling of delamina-
tion [6,31,41, 45,53] and, more exceptionally, splitting [20,52,53] and fiber-matrix
debonding [8, 13]. With XFEM (or the partition of unity method) a discontinuity is
introduced inside the finite elements by adding degrees of freedom that are related
to discontinuous basis functions. This method has also been used for the simula-
tion of delamination [39, 50] and fiber-matrix debonding [38]. In comparison with
continuum models, discontinuous methods demand additional implementation ef-
fort, especially XFEM, but they allow for the use of larger elements to capture the
kinematics of the problem.
In this contribution, the performance of a continuum model for ply failure is
assessed along with that of a discontinuous method for splitting. A limitation of
continuum models for the modeling of matrix failure is illustrated, and the discon-
tinuous method is presented as an alternative. Section 2 deals with the continuum
damage model and Section 3 with the phantom node method, which is equivalent to
the above mentioned XFEM, but differs in implementation.
2 Continuum damage
In this section, a continuum damage model for a homogenized unidirectional ply
is presented. In recent years, several comparable models have been introduced (see
e.g. [22,23,26–28,37]). Attention is given to three essential ingredients in three sub-
sections. Firstly, the material degradation laws, which form the core of the constitu-
tive model, viz. the procedure with which stress is computed from strain. Secondly,