Rob F. Remis and Neil V. Budko
The inverse scattering problem is nonlinear, ill-posed, and computationally in-
tense. Many different solution methods exist, ranging from linearized methods to
full Newton-type minimization schemes (see the topical IOP journal Inverse Prob-
lems). In this chapter we describe a reduced-order approach to electromagnetic in-
verse scattering. Just as many other linearized and fully nonlinear inverse solution
strategies, our technique is iterative in nature. We exploit the reduced-order paramet-
ric models naturally emerging from Krylov subspace iterative schemes. Appearing
in different contexts, such as many-mass computations in quantum chromodynam-
ics and optimal regularization parameter selection, similar approaches are used by
Frommer and Gl
assner [10] and Frommer and Maas [11].
The need for reduced-order methods stems from the nonlinearity of the inverse
scattering problem. Since the electromagnetic field is measured only outside the ob-
ject, the field inside is, in fact, another implicit unknown of the problem. Although,
the internal field is never found explicitly, it is introduced as a constraint in a non-
linear minimization problem. Hence, even if our ultimate goal is the permittivity
and/or conductivity, we need to deal with the internal field as well. For example,
constitution of a homogeneous object of known shape is completely determined by
two parameters only. However, the field inside this object is a nontrivial function of
position. Even upon discretization, this leads to a very large number of additional
discrete degrees of freedom, especially for electrically large objects (objects large
compared with the wavelength of the incident field). In principle, it is possible to
take the internal field constraint into account by formally solving a linear forward
scattering problem. This results in a single nonlinear equation relating the unknown
constitutive parameters to the measured scattered field data. However, this equation
then contains an inverse of a very large matrix. For practical large-scale problems,
repeatedly evaluating the action of this inverse on a given vector is out of the ques-
tion. This is where the reduced-order modeling comes into play. Given the nature
of our problem, it turns out that we can reuse a single Krylov subspace for many
different values of the unknown constitutive parameters. This property is known
as the shift-invariance property of the Krylov subspace. In practice it means that
we have to generate only one Krylov subspace leading to a significant reduction of
computational efforts.
Initially we successfully implemented this technique using the Arnoldi algorithm
[4]. Here we exploit the symmetry of our equations and employ a much more eco-
nomic Lanczos-type algorithm [17]. We also show that the approximations con-
structed by this algorithm are actually Pad
e approximations of a certain type, which
is well known in the control and optimization communities. Finally, we mention that
presently research on model-order reduction techniques using rational interpolants
in inverse scattering problems is ongoing and an extension of the method presented
here (in combination with a Gauss-Newton minimization algorithm) was recently
proposed by Druskin and Zaslavsky [8].