S. van Veldhuizen, C. Vuik, and C.R. Kleijn
Further, it has to be mentioned that in this paper time accurate transient results
are shown for different wafer temperatures varying from 900 up to 1100 K. Because
of the large activation energies of some of the reactants (see Table 1 and 2), such
temperature differences lead to large qualitative and quantitative differences in the
solutions. The behavior and the integration statistics of the computational method
is, however, not influenced by the wafer temperature. Therefore, we will restrict
ourselves to present the integration statistics for one wafer temperature per compu-
tational grid.
In Table 6 relevant integration statistics are listed for the 7 species and 5 reactions
model of Section 3.1. For this problem the grid size has no large influence on the
total number of Newton iterations. The effect of different grid sizes is reflected in
the number of linear iterations and CPU time. Due to the quality of the block D-ILU
preconditioner, no rejected time steps are observed in these simulations. Weaker
preconditioners can result in rejected time steps due to Newton divergence and/or
negative species concentrations, see [23].
Due to its stronger nonlinearity, the number of Newton iterations increases for the
17 species and 26 gas phase reactions CVD model, see Table 7. Again, the block D-
ILU preconditioner shows excellent performance with respect to positivity and fast
Bi-CGSTAB convergence. However, for the finest grid, with more grid cells in the
reaction zone, the semi-discrete problem is considerably stiffer than for the other
two grids. This greater stiffness is especially reflected in the increasing condition
numbers of the Jacobian, which are no longer easily cancelled by the preconditioner.
This explains the relatively large number of linear iterations on the finest grid, see
Table 7. When a ‘weaker’ preconditioner is used in this case, it is not possible to do
a complete simulation from inflow conditions until steady state, due to many time
step rejections caused by Newton divergence [23].
With respect to the total computational costs of these simulations the follow-
ing has to be remarked. Since in almost any case the required accuracy of the ap-
proximated linear solutions is low, the Bi-CGSTAB algorithm converges in a small
amount of iterations. However, when the stiff chemistry comes into play and an ac-
curately approximated linear solution is needed, the Bi-CGSTAB algorithm needs
to overcome a stagnation phase in order to obtain superlinear convergence. In the
stagnation phase the Ritz values belonging to the ‘bad’ eigenvalues have not fully
converged to the eigenvalues of the preconditioned system. If they have, then these
‘bad’ eigenvalues do not contribute to the effective condition number, and, hence,
Bi-CGSTAB converges superlinearly to the solution.
Note that accurate linear approximations are only needed when the steepest de-
scent direction is found in Newton’s method. In the first few Newton iterations the
required accuracy of the linear solutions is relatively low [23] and thus are the costs
of constructing the Jacobian more important than the costs of the preconditioned
Bi-CGSTAB solver to find an approximation of the linear solution.