Numerical Modeling of the Electromechanical
Interaction in MEMS
S.D.A. Hannot and D.J. Rixen
1 Introduction
Microsystems or Micro–Electro–Mechanical Systems (MEMS) are small (microm-
eter size) machines usually built by lithographic technologies originally developed
for microchips. MEMS are designed to integrate sensing and actuation (and even
data processing) on a single chip, therefore they often include moving and deform-
ing parts. Currently microsystem technologies are used for a wide variety of pur-
poses such as: read/write heads in hard-disk drives, ink-jet printheads, Digital Light
Processing (DLP) chips in video projection systems and several types of sensors for
pressure, flow, acceleration or bio-elements.
Due to their very small size, the dominant driving forces differ from the ones in
the macro–world. For instance, the gravitational forces are negligible with respect to
the elastic, adhesive and electrostatic forces [43]. These scaling effects may cause
a strong coupling between different physical domains. For instance small silicon
devices can be heated by an electric current relatively fast and they will cool down
rapidly by conduction to the surrounding parts. Devices can be heated and cooled
several times per second. Due to the thermal expansion of the material this effect
can be used to actuate a device at frequencies that are high compared to macroscopic
systems [22, 23, 27].
Another coupling that becomes useful at small scales is the coupling between
structural displacement through electrostatic forces. At these small scales electro-
static forces are big enough to actuate devices, which is the type of coupling dis-
cussed in this document. Two types of MEMS that utilize the electromechanical
S.D.A. Hannot
Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Maritime and Materials Engineering,
Mekelweg 2, 2628 CD Delft, The Netherlands, e-mail:
D.J. Rixen
Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Maritime and Materials Engineering,
Mekelweg 2, 2628 CD Delft, The Netherlands, e-mail:
Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering 71,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-03344-5_11,
B. Koren and C. Vuik (eds.), Advanced Computational Methods in Science and Engineering,
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010