A. de Boer, A.H. van Zuijlen, and H. Bijl
and the dashed lines with the consistent approach. The conservative approach does
not converge and for the consistent approach, the RBFI methods have an interpo-
lation error that is almost equal to the discretization error on the flow side, leading
to convergence order of 1.5. The small wiggles in the error convergence of the con-
sistent CP are caused by the fact that the discontinuity is not always located in the
same position within a structure element when the grids are refined.
For the CP method with r = 2 the error between the displacement received by
the flow and the exact displacement field, u
, is plotted in Figure 8. Large
oscillations are visible with the CP method with r = 2. These oscillations are caused
by the fact that the RBFI method tries to generate a global smooth function through
all grid points and therefore the highest peak in the error is visible close to the largest
discontinuity which is located in the centre.
The error between the exact pressure field and the one obtained by the structure,
, is depicted in Figure 9 for the CP method with r = 2. Only the results
for the consistent approach are shown, because with the conservative approach the
same large oscillations are obtained as with the transfer of the smooth pressure field
and then the error for the consistent approach would not be visible anymore. For
the consistent method the transformation matrix is built on the discrete structure
interface, which can not exactly represent the pressure at the discontinuities. Hence,
we can see that the error is the largest at these locations, but we see less oscillations
than for the displacement. This is due to the fact that the structure mesh is much
coarser than the flow mesh.
The conclusions for the above described test cases also hold for other parame-
ter settings. Overall it can be concluded that for these simple analytical problems
the consistent approach is preferred over the conservative approach. For the RBFI
methods CP with r = 2 is preferred.
2.4 Quasi-1D FSI problem
= z
= z
+ u
u (x)
p (x)
Vp (x)
u (x)
Fig. 10 Configuration of the quasi-
1D FSI problem.
For the investigation of the behaviour of the meth-
ods in FSI simulations, where multiple transfers of
pressure and displacement are performed, a quasi-
1D problem is used. It is chosen such that it allows
for the investigation of the problems arising with
non-matching meshes. We consider a quasi-1D
channel with a flexible curved wall. The main ve-
locity of the compressible flow is in the x-direction
and the structure is modeled as a membrane. The
diameter of the channel may vary due to a pres-
sure difference between the pressure in the flow
and the pressure behind the wall. Considering only
the static case allows us to analyze the coupling in space separately, excluding errors
based on coupling in time. To obtain the steady state solution an iterative approach