A. de Boer, A.H. van Zuijlen, and H. Bijl
Since the fluid domain is deforming in FSI computations, a mesh deformation
algorithm is required. To be able to perform the unsteady flow computations ac-
curately and efficiently, a fast and reliable method is needed to adapt the compu-
tational grid to the new domain. Regenerating a grid each time step in an unsteady
computation is a natural choice. However, the generation of a complex grid is a time-
consuming and nontrivial task. Therefore, a fast and accurate algorithm is needed to
update the grid automatically. In Section 3 we introduce a mesh deformation method
based on radial basis function interpolation, which can automatically deform a mesh
with high accuracy even for large deformations of the mesh.
2 Non-matching meshes
In FSI computations data has to be transferred over an interface of generally non-
matching meshes. In Figure 1 a 2D example of a non-matching discrete interface
between a flow and structure domain is shown. When the meshes are non-matching,
an interpolation/projection step has to be carried out to enable transfer of infor-
mation between the two domains. In literature different methods can be found to
transfer data between non-matching meshes, such as nearest neighbour interpola-
tion [34], projection methods [13, 27, 29] and methods based on interpolation by
splines [3, 31, 32]. In this chapter we only focus on radial basis function interpola-
tion methods.
Overlap Gap
Fig. 1 Non-matching meshes in
The general opinion is that energy should be con-
served over the interface. The overall conservation
properties depend both on the time and the spatial
coupling used, which cannot be investigated sepa-
rately if the system is solved in a partitioned way.
By sub-iterating the partitioned scheme the partition-
ing error in time can be reduced [18]. High order ac-
curate convergence in time can be obtained without
a need for sub-iterating the partitioned algorithm by
using mixed implicit-explicit higher order schemes
[41, 42, 40], which are an extension of the multi-stage
Runge-Kutta schemes already applied in computa-
tional fluid dynamics simulations [4, 5]. In combina-
tion with multi-level techniques the efficiency can be
increased even more [44].
In this section we focus only on the spatial coupling. In [17] a conservative cou-
pling approach in space is introduced. This approach is based on the global conser-
vation of virtual work over the interface, where a transformation matrix performs
the transfer of displacements and the transposed of this matrix the transfer of pres-
sure loads between the two discrete interfaces. However, for a general coupling
method this can lead to unphysical oscillations in the pressure forces received by
the structure as is briefly mentioned by Ahrem et al [1]. Especially for highly flexi-