Data Assimilation Algorithms for Numerical Models
ilates the selected water level observations from eight tide gauges at the British and
Dutch coasts (see Figure 3). Observations from British gauges during the period of
surge coming from the Atlantic, contain information on the surge in the Southern
North Sea several hours ahead. If they can be assimilated into the model, external
surges can be included and errors due to imperfect meteorology during this period
can be corrected for (Gerritsen, 1995).
The implementation of the Kalman filter requires a conceptual change from the
deterministic model into a stochastic model. This is done by adding error terms
to the deterministic model. In the operational DCSM, the errors in the model are
assumed to be introduced by the uncertainty in the wind input. In the operational
system, this uncertainty is accounted for by adding error terms to the u and v depth-
average velocities (Heemink and Kloosterhuis, 1990).
The implementation of the Kalman filter on the DCSM is done by exploiting the
fact that the observations come from a fixed network and by assuming that the er-
ror statistics in the model and the observations vary only slightly in time (Gerritsen, 1995). This means that the solution for the covariance equations in Section
3.2 will become constant after several recursions. Since the propagation of the er-
ror covariance is independent from the real observation, it is possible to compute
the steady-state Kalman gain off-line. The use of the steady-state Kalman filter has
the advantage of being computationally cheap. It leads to only 10% extra computa-
tional cost (Gerritsen, 1995). For the operational system, the computation of
the steady-state Kalman gain is carried out by using a Chandrasekhar-type algorithm
(Heemink and Kloosterhuis, 1990). Another ensemble type algorithm for comput-
ing the steady-state Kalman gain implemented on DCSM is proposed by Sumihar, [2008]. Once the Kalman gain is computed, the original non-linear model is
used to propagate the mean for prediction.
To illustrate the effect of implementing steady-state Kalman filter on DCSM,
in Figure 4 we show the time series of water level on the whole day of 12 Jan-
uary 2005, obtained from observation, model results with and without assimilation
at four locations. Two of these stations (Wick and Lowestoft) are located on the
British coast, of which the data is used for assimilation. On the other hand, the other
two stations, Cadzand and Huibertgat, are located in the South-west and North of
the Netherlands respectively. The data from the latter are not used for the assimi-
lation. By visual check on Figure 4, we see that by assimilation, the model results
are pulled closer towards the observation. To acquire a better idea about the filter
performance in assimilating observed data, the root-mean-square (RMS) of water
level innovation is computed over the simulation period of 1 November 2004 - 1
February 2005. The RMS innovation of water level is computed both for assimila-
tion and validation stations. Assimilation station is the station whose data is used
for assimilation, while validation station is the one where data is used for validation
but not for assimilation. The results are presented in Figures 5-6. It is clear from
these pictures that the Kalman filter reduces the RMS innovation of water level in
both assimilation and validation stations. This indicates that the correction is prop-
agated spatially consistent as it also applies to locations where data is not used for
assimilation. This demonstrates that the filter succeeds in forcing the model closer