Passive Tracer Clustering and Diffusion 291
Along with dynamic equation (11.13), there is certain interest to the equation
+ U(r, t)
ρ(r, t) = 0, ρ(r, 0) = ρ
that describes transfer of nonconservative tracer. In this case, particle dynamics in
the Lagrangian representation is described by the equation coinciding with Eq. (11.5);
consequently, particles are clustered. However, in the Eulerian representation, no clus-
tering occurs. In this case, as in the case of nondivergent velocity field, average number
of contours, average area of regions within which ρ(r, t) > ρ, and average tracer mass
dSρ(r, t) within these regions remain invariant.
Above, we considered the simplest statistical problems on tracer diffusion in ran-
dom velocity field in the absence of regular flows and dynamic diffusion. Moreover,
our statistical description used the approximation of random delta-correlated (in time)
field. All unaccounted factors begin from a certain time, so that the above results hold
only during the initial stage of diffusion. Furthermore, these factors can give rise to
new physical effects.
11.4 Probabilistic Description of Magnetic Field and
Magnetic Energy in Random Velocity Field
Here, we consider probabilistic description of the magnetic field starting from dyna-
mic equation (11.4). As in the case of the density field, we will assume that random
component of velocity field u(r, t) is the divergent (div u(r, t) 6= 0) Gaussian random
field, homogeneous and isotropic in space and stationary and delta-correlated in time.
Introduce the indicator function of magnetic field H(r, t),
ϕ(r, t;H) = δ(H(r, t) − H).
It satisfies the Liouville equation (3.26), page 76,
+ u(r, t)
ϕ(r, t;H) = −
(r, t)
− H
∂u(r, t)
ϕ(r, t;H)
with the initial condition
ϕ(r, 0;H) = δ(H
(r) − H).
The solution to this equation is a functional of velocity field u(r, t), i.e.,
ϕ(r, t;H) = ϕ[r, t;H; u(er, τ )],
where 0 ≤ τ ≤ t. This solution obeys the condition of dynamic causality
δϕ[r, t;H; u(er, τ )]
, t
= 0 for t
< 0 and t
> t.