Preamble for Volume 1 “Cutting”
The available volume treats machining with geometrically defined cutting edges.
It approaches both the practical engineer and the student of engineering sciences.
This book is based on the lecture “Manufacturing Technologies I and II” and the
pertinent exercises, which are held at RWTH Aachen University. The arrangement
of the book results from the experiences, which were gained when lecturing in the
chronology of the course.
The structure of the book is oriented to a large extent at didactical criteria. The
first section deals with the metrology and the workpiece quality, followed by a chap-
ter about the fundamentals of cutting. Based on the common technological principle
of the cutting processes and their variants, the second section deals with the mech-
anisms occurring at the cutting edge and the resulting loads on the tools. The next
section deals with the demands on the cutting materials as well as their manufac-
turing processes and application. The text presents topics like the use of the finite
element method for cutting processes as well as cutting fluids. A detailed chapter
about the machinability of the most important work piece materials, such as steel
and cast iron, light metal alloy and high temperature resistant materials imparts a
broad knowledge of the alternating coactions of work piece material, the cutting
material and the process parameters.
The necessity for process control, used sensor systems and application possi-
bilities are regarded. Due to the increasing relevance and application in industrial
manufacturing plants, monitoring systems are discussed in their own chapter.
Finally, the different cutting processes and their kinematic characteristics are
presented in detail.
For their cooperation with the compilation of the available edition I would
like to thank my co-workers, Dr.-Ing. M. Abouridouane, Dr.-Ing. K. Gerschwiler,
Dipl.-Ing. M. Arft, Dipl.-Ing. C. Essig, Dipl.-Ing. P. Frank, Dipl.-Ing. A. Krämer,
Dipl.-Ing. D. Lung, Dipl.-Ing. H. Sangermann, Dipl.-Ing. R. Schlosser, Dipl.-Ing.