2.11. To test a particular digital electronic chip with n inputs and m outputs
for correctness means to determine the actual logic function the chip
implements at each output solely by manipulating the input variables
and observing the output variables. Initially, there are possible logic
functions at each output and, hence, the diagnostic nonspecificity is 2
bits. To resolve this nonspecificity and determine that the implemented
function is the correct one, 2
tests must be conducted. If n is large, this
is not realistic. However, when less than 100% of the required tests have
been carried out, some diagnostic nonspecificity remains (unless a defect
in the chip was discovered by one of the tests). As an example, let n =
30 and m = 10, and assume that only 90% of the required tests have been
carried out and they are all positive. Calculate the information obtained
by the tests and the remaining diagnostic nonspecificity.
2.12. Consider the 2-dimensional Euclidean space ⺢
, and let the domain of
interest (the universal set) X ¥ Y be the square [0, 1000]
. This specifi-
cation is expressed in some chosen units of length. Our aim is to deter-
mine the location of an object, which we know must be somewhere in
the square [0, 1000]
. From one information source, we know that the
object cannot be outside the square area A shown in Figure 2.5. From
another source, we know that it cannot be outside the circular area B
also shown in the figure. Calculate, assuming that a = 2 (in the chosen
units of length), the following:
(a) Basic and conditional nonspecificities of A, B, and A 艚 B;
(b) Normalized versions of these nonspecificities;
(c) Information obtained by source 1, source 2, and both sources taken
together and their normalized versions.
2.13. Assume that the chosen unit of length in Exercise 2.12 is a meter.Repeat
the calculations by expressing the same length in centimeters.
2.14. Repeat Example 2.8 for the following areas in ⺢
(a) A hexagon with sides equal to 1;
(b) An ellipse with semiaxes a = 2 and b = 1;
(c) A semicircle with radius r = 5.
2.15. Consider the 3-dimensional Euclidean space ⺢
within which the domain
of interest, X ¥ Y ¥ Z, is the cube [0, 100]
. For the following convex
subsets of possible points in this domain, calculate the various basic and
conditional amounts of nonspecificity, and the associated information, as
well as values of relevant information transmissions:
(a) A unit cube;
(b) A sphere with radius r = 2;
(c) An ellipsoid with semiaxes a = 4, b = 2, c = 1;
(d) A regular tetrahedron with sides s = 2.