Probability qualifier, 290
Probability theory, 3, 22, 61, 95, 105, 110,
130, 137, 158, 159, 252, 334, 408, 409,
420, 422
Projection, 17, 42, 169, 281–283, 373
Quantization, 295–297, 336
Random set, 190
Reconstructability analysis (RA), 408,
410, 411
Random variable, 62, 336, 351, 370
Range, 47, 197, 205, 209, 214, 227, 228,
Regular measure, 104
Relation, 14, 452
antisymmetric, 14
binary, 14, 16
compatibility, 14, 316, 317, 450
equivalence, 14, 316–318, 451
n-dimensional, 17, 323
of partial ordering, 15, 316, 317,
reflexive, 14, 316
symmetric, 14, 316
transitive, 14, 316
Relational join, 17, 284, 286, 316,
373–375, 380
Rényi entropies, 96
R-norm entropies, 96
Robust statistics, 137
Rough sets, 308
Rule of combination:
alternative, 173, 174, 188
Dempster’s, 170–174, 188
Scalar cardinality (of a fuzzy set),
Scales, 390
difference, 391
interval, 391, 392, 410
log-interval, 392–394, 396, 398, 402,
403, 410
ordinal, 394–398
ratio, 390
Semicontinuous measure, 104
join, 15
meet, 15
Set, 11
classical, 19, 419
crisp, 260, 403
empty, 13
fuzzy, 19, 20, 186, 260–270, 403, 419
power, 12
universal, 11, 453
Set complement, 12
fuzzy, 266, 287, 306, 317, 322, 350,
involutive fuzzy, 267
standard fuzzy, 267, 323, 453
Set consistency, 227, 228, 235
Set difference, 12
Set intersection, 12
drastic fuzzy, 268
fuzzy, 266–268, 287, 306
standard fuzzy, 268, 270, 316, 317, 453
Set of probability distribution functions,
112, 216, 238, 254
convex, 123, 139, 178, 183, 214, 237,
249, 334
marginal, 121
Set theory:
classical, 5, 9, 22, 101, 135, 266, 268,
315, 320, 415, 420
fuzzy, 9, 20, 260–262, 266, 270, 287, 303,
305, 306, 420
Set union, 12
drastic fuzzy, 268
fuzzy, 266–268, 287, 306
standard fuzzy, 268, 270, 316, 317, 453
Set-valued statement:
conjunctive, 223
disjunctive, 223
Shannon cross-entropy, 94, 453
Shannon entropy, 68–77, 79–84, 86–89,
91–97, 197, 198, 203, 204, 218, 325,
350, 355, 369, 408, 409, 416, 417
average, 225
conditional, 80, 81, 85, 88, 97
joint, 79, 97
normalized, 83
weighted, 97
Sigma algebra (s-algebra), 64, 102, 166,
Sigma count, 263
Similarity, 160, 303
Simplification problems, 358–364