Equivalence relation. Binary relation on X
that is reflexive, symmetric, and
Fuzzification. A process of imparting fuzzy structure to a definition (concept),
a theorem, or even a whole theory.
Fuzziness. The type of uncertainty that is not based on information deficiency,
but rather on the linguistic imprecision (vagueness) of natural language.
Fuzzy partition of set X. A finite family {A
ŒF(X), A
π Ø, i Œ ⺞
, n ≥ 1}
of fuzzy subsets A
of X such that for each x ŒX
Fuzzy complement. A function c: [0, 1] Æ [0, 1] that is monotonic decreasing
and satisfies c(0) = 1 and c(1) = 0; also it is usually continuous and such that
c(c(a)) = a for any a Œ [0, 1].
Fuzzy implication. Function J of the form [0, 1]
Æ [0, 1] that for any truth
values a, b of given fuzzy propositions p, q, respectively, defines the truth
value J(a, b), of the proposition “if p, then q.”
Fuzzy number. Normal fuzzy sets on ⺢ whose support is bounded and whose
a-cuts are closed intervals of real numbers for all a Œ (0, 1].
Fuzzy relation. Fuzzy subset of a Cartesian product of several crisp sets.
Fuzzy system. A system whose variables range over states that are fuzzy
numbers or fuzzy intervals (or some other relevant fuzzy sets).
Generalized Hartley measure. A functional GH defined by the formula
where D is a given convex set of probability distributions on a finite set X
and m
is the Möbius representation associated with D.
Generalized Shannon entropy. For a given convex set D of probability dis-
tributions, the difference between the aggregate uncertainty and the
generalized Hartley measure or, alternatively, the minimal value of the
Shannon entropy within D.
Hartley-like measure of uncertainty. The functional defined by Eq. (2.38) by
which the uncertainty associated with any bounded and convex subset of
is measured.
Hartley measure of uncertainty. The functional H(E) = log
|E|, where E is a
finite set of possible alternatives and uncertainty is measured in bits.
Information transmission. In every theory of uncertainty, the difference
between the sum of marginal uncertainties and the joint uncertainty.
Interval-valued probability distribution. For a given finite set X, a tuple
(x), p
(x)]|x ŒXÒ such that and .