and, of course, Pro(∆) = 0 and Pro(X) = 1. These maximally imprecise prob-
abilities are usually called vacuous probabilities. It is obvious that they are
associated with the set of all probability distributions on X.
2. Imprecision of probabilities is needed to reflect the amount of statisti-
cal information on which they are based. The precision should increase with
amount of statistical information. Imprecise probabilities allow us to utilize
this sensible principle methodologically. As a simple example, let X denote a
finite set of states of a variable and let the variable be observed at discrete
times. Assume that in a sequence of N observations of the variable, each state
x ŒX was observed n(x)-times.According to classical probability theory, prob-
abilities of individual states, p(x), are estimated by the ratios n(x)/N for all
x ŒX.While these estimates are usually acceptable when N is sufficiently large
relative to the number of all possible states, they are questionable when N is
small. An alternative is to estimate lower and upper probabilities, (x) and
(x), in such a way that we start with the maximum imprecision ( (x) = 0 and
(x) = 1 for all x Œ X) when N = 0 (total ignorance) and define the impreci-
sion (expressed by the differences (x) - m
(x)) by a function that is monot-
one decreasing with N. This can be done, for example, by using for each
x Œ X the functions (estimators)
where c ≥ 1 is a coefficient that expresses how quickly the imprecision in esti-
mated probabilities decreases with the amount of statistical information,
which is expressed by the value of N. The chosen value of c expresses the
caution in estimating the probabilities.The larger the value, the more cautious
the estimators are. As a simple example, let X = {0, 1} be a set of states of a
single variable n, whose observations, n(t), at discrete times t Œ ⺞
are given
in Figure 4.8a. These observations were actually randomly generated with
probabilities p(0) = 0.39 and p(1) = 0.61. Figure 4.8b shows lower and upper
probabilities of x = 0 estimated for each N Œ ⺞
by Eqs. (4.45) and (4.46),
respectively, with c = 4. Figure 4.8c shows the same for x = 1.
3. Classical probability theory requires that Pro(A) + Pro(A
) = 1. This
means, for example, that a little evidence supporting A implies a large amount
of evidence supporting A
. However,in many real-life situations, we have a little
evidence supporting A and a little evidence supporting A
as well. Suppose, for