Mean Structures and Latent Growth Models 315
single indicators (e.g., Figure 10.4(a)). Another way to control for measurement error is
to use multiple indicators of an exogenous factor specified to predict the latent growth
factors. That is, the prediction part of an LGM can be fully latent. The capability to
represent latent variables as predictors in an LGM distinguishes SEM from HLM, which
features no direct way to do so. It also possible to estimate in SEM indirect effects among
the predictors of latent growth factors, but doing so in HLM is difficult. Even another
variation that is possible in SEM is the analysis of an LGM where the repeated measures
variables are all latent, each measured with multiple indicators.
It may also be possible within the limits of identification to specify that some load-
ings on a latent change factor as free parameters. One strategy to do so was described
by Meredith and Tisak (1990) and referred to as nonlinear curve fitting by Kaplan
(2009). In this approach for the empirical example, one would fix the loading of the Year
1 report of alcohol use on a slope factor to zero in order to estimate the intercept, fix the
loading of the Year 2 report to 1 in order to scale this factor, and let the remaining two
loadings be freely estimated. This tactic results in what is basically an empirical devel-
opmental function that optimally fits the slope factor to the data in a particular sample.
Ratios of freely estimated loadings on the slope factor can also be formed to compare
rates of development at different points in time. For instance, if the relative increases in
the freely estimated loadings on the slope factor are not constant over time, the overall
pattern of change may be curvilinear.
It is possible to analyze multivariate latent growth models of change across two
or more domains. If these domains are measured at the same points in time, then the
model reflects a parallel growth process (Kaplan, 2009). For example, George (2006)
analyzed data from a longitudinal annual survey of students from Grade 7 to Grade
11 about their interest in science classes and attitudes about the utility of science in
everyday life. George (2006) evaluated a model of cross-domain change in which the
within-domain latent growth factors were allowed to covary across the domains. The
results indicated that while students’ interest in science courses steadily declines during
the middle school and high school years, their views of science utility generally increase
over the same time. Higher initial interest in science classes predicted a more posi-
tive attitude about science utility, and changes in one domain covaried positively with
changes in the other domain. Furthermore, initial levels in each of these domains were
negatively associated with change in the other domain. For example, students who in
Grade 7 expressed more positive attitudes about science utility exhibited a more gradual
decline in their interest in science classes from Grade 7 to 11.
Like just about any other kind of structural equation model, an LGM can be ana-
lyzed across multiple samples. For example, Benyamini, Ein-Dor, Ginzburg, and Solo-
mon (2009) studied the impact of combat stress and posttraumatic stress symptoms
on the level and growth trajectories of self-reported health among Israeli veterans of
the 1982 Lebanon War who were tested at 1, 2, 3, and 20 years after the conflict. The
veterans were divided into two groups, one diagnosed as exhibiting a combat stress
reaction (CSR) during the war and a matched control group without this diagnosis but
exposed to similar combat experiences. The CSR group showed poorer initial levels of