Mean Structures and Latent Growth Models 309
RMSEA = .067, or .145, is so high as to be consistent with the poor-fit hypothesis. Values
of other approximate fit indexes seem favorable (e.g., CFI = .995), but there is a need to
examine the details of the solution more closely. I inspected the parameter estimates and
found that the error covariances were generally zero (range is –.063 to –.033), and none
were statistically significant.
These results suggest that the initial change model is overparameterized. In a second
analysis, I trimmed all three error covariances from the model with the rationale that
annual measurement intervals may make these terms unnecessary. Values of selected fit
statistics for the respecified change model are reported in Table 11.4. As expected, the
model chi-square is larger for the respecified change model (
(5) = 8.155) compared
with that for the initial change (
(2) = 4.877). The difference between these two model
chi-squares, or
(3) = 3.278, is not statistically significant (p = .351). However, the
upper bound of the 90% confidence interval based on RMSEA = .044 for the respecified
change model, or .097, is now more favorable. In addition, absolute correlation residuals
(calculated in EQS) for the covariance structure of the change model are all < .06. Even
though the respecified change model without error covariances departs more from per-
fect fit than the more complex change model with error covariances, the results for the
RMSEA favor the simpler model. Based on all these results, the final model of change in
reported alcohol use over 4 years is identical to the original model in Figure 11.3 except
there are no measurement error correlations.
The parameter estimates for the final change model are reported in Table 11.5. The
direct effects of the constant on the exogenous latent growth factors are means. The
estimated mean of the IS factor is 2.291, which is close to the observed average level
of alcohol use at Year 1 (2.271; see Table 11.3). The two mean values just stated are not
identical because one is for an observed variable and the other is for a latent variable (IS).
The estimated mean of the LC factor is .220, which indicates the average year-to-year
increase in drinking. When estimating latent growth models, the statistical significance
of the variances of the latent growth factors may be of substantive interest. For example,
the estimated variances of the IS and LC factors are, respectively, .699 and .038, and
each is statistically significant at the .01 level (Table 11.5). These results indicate that
adolescents are not homogeneous in either their initial levels of drinking or the slopes
of subsequent linear increases in drinking. The estimated covariance between the latent
growth factors is –.080, and the corresponding estimated factor correlation is –.489.
These results say that higher initial levels of alcohol use predict lower subsequent rates
of linear annual increases, and vice versa. Other results reported in Table 11.5 con-
cern measurement errors. In general, the final change model explains about 65% of the
observed total standardized variance in alcohol use across the 4 years.
Means of the indicators (Year 1–4), which are endogenous, are not model parameters.
However, the unstandardized total effects of the constant on the indicators are predicted
means that can be compared with the observed means. For example, application of the
tracing rule shows that the total effect of the constant on the first measurement of alcohol
use is the sum of the indirect effects through the IS factor and through the LC factor (see
Figure 11.2). Using results from Table 11.5, this total effect is calculated as follows: