Structural Regression Models 283
factor CFA model (Chapter 9). In other contexts, it is possible to specify MIMIC factors
with ≥ 1 cause indicators along with effect indicators. There are many examples in
the literature of the analysis of SR models with MIMIC factors. For example, Hersh-
berger (1994) described a MIMIC depression factor with indicators that represented
various behaviors. Some of these indicators, such as “crying” and “feeling depressed,”
were specified as effect indicators because they are symptoms of depression. However,
another indicator, “feeling lonely,” was specified as a cause indicator. This is because
“feeling lonely” may cause depression rather than vice versa. Bruhn, Georgi, and Had-
wich (2008) describe the analysis of a MIMIC factor of customer equity management
with latent cause indicators and manifest effect indicators.
The main stumbling block to analyzing measurement models where some factors
have cause indicators only and the composite is latent is identification. This is because
it can be difficult to specify such a model that reflects the researcher’s hypotheses and is
identified. The need to scale latent composites was mentioned, but meeting this require-
ment is not difficult. MacCallum and Browne (1993) noted that in order for the distur-
bance variance of a latent composite to be identified, the latent composite must have
direct effects on at least two other endogenous variables, such as endogenous factors
with effect indicators. This requirement is known as the 2+ emitted paths rule. If a
factor measured with cause indicators only emits a single path, its disturbance variance
will be underidentified. Another requirement for models with ≥ 2 latent composites is
that if factors measured with effect indicators only have indirect effects on other such
factors that are mediated by different combinations of latent composites, then some of
the constituent direct effects may be underidentified.
One way to deal with the problems just mentioned is to fix the disturbance vari-
ance for the latent composite to zero, which drops the disturbance from the model and
“converts” the latent composite to a weighted manifest variable (e.g., Figure 10.6(c)).
However, this is not an ideal option. Recall that the disturbance of a latent composite
reflects measurement error in its cause indicators. Dropping the disturbance is akin
to assuming that the cause indicators are measured without error, which is unlikely.
MacCallum and Browne (1993) showed that dropping from the model a weighted com-
posite that emits a single path and converting the indirect effects of its cause indicators
on other endogenous variables to direct effects result in an equivalent model. Another
way to remedy identification problems is to add effect indicators for latent compos-
ites represented in the original model as measured with cause indicators only. That
is, specify a MIMIC factor. For example, adding two effect indicators means that the
formerly latent composite will emit at least two direct effects—see Diamantopoulos,
Riefler, and Roth (2008) for examples. However, all such respecifications require a
theoretical rationale.
Worland, Weeks, Janes, and Strock (1984) administered measures of the cognitive
and achievement status of 158 adolescents. They also collected teacher reports about
classroom adjustment and measured family SES and the degree of parental psychiatric
disturbance. The correlations among these variables are reported in Table 10.6. Note
that Worland and colleagues did not report standard deviations. For didactic reasons,