64 3. The Matrix Model Framework
3.5 State Variables and Alternatives to
Age-specific survival and fertility rates are not always sufficient to de-
termine population dynamics. Even in human populations, for which
age-classified demography was originally developed, factors other than age
(sex, marital status, location) are known to affect the vital rates. In or-
ganisms with more complex life cycles, age is even less adequate, and
demographic models should classify individuals by a more appropriate set
of life cycle stages.
One of the first steps in an analysis is thus to choose a variable in terms
of which to describe population structure. This choice can be understood
in terms of the formal notion of “state” in dynamical system theory. The
“state” of a system provides the information necessary to predict the re-
sponse of the system. In Newtonian mechanics the state of a system is
given by the positions and momenta of its component particles, because
that information is sufficient to determine the response to any force. In
ethology, the ideas of “motivation” or “drive” are used to describe the
state of individual organisms, because they determine the response to a
stimulus. Physiologists characterize individuals by their levels of energy
reserves, lipid storage, hormones, metabolites, and so on. In demographic
models the state of the population is usually given by the distribution of
individuals among a set of categories (e.g., age classes). We will begin by
examining the formal basis for these usually intuitive ideas.
3.5.1 State Variables in Population Models
Formal state theory was introduced into population ecology by Caswell
et al. (1972), Boling (1973), and Metz (1977; see Metz and Diekmann
1986). Because demographic models connect individuals and populations,
Metz and Diekmann (1986) recognized the need to begin with the state
of the individual, which they called an i-state. Examples of i-state vari-
ables include age, size, maturity, developmental stage, and physiological
condition. Papers by Hallam et al. (1990) and Gurney et al. (1990) and the
book by Kooijman (1993) exemplify how much detail can be included in
physiological i-states.
The i-state variable provides the information necessary to predict the
response of an individual to its environment. However, we are interested
in modelling the population and hence need a population state variable,
or p-state variable. Metz and Diekmann (1986, Metz and de Roos 1992)
gave two conditions sufficient to guarantee that the p-state variable can
be written as a distribution of individuals among i-states (e.g., by an age
distribution if individuals are characterized by age).
1. All individuals experience the same environment.