Schmid-Hempel, Paul and Regula 22
Schneirla, Theodore 86, 88, 90
scouts 20, 47, 59, 61–2, 66
secretory glands 60–1
seed dissemination 25, 126–7
seed-eaters 15, 106
selfish gene 197–8
self-management 58
self-medication 45
self-organizing co-operation 218
sense of direction 99, 103
sex ratio in nests 166–7, 168–9, 175
sexual pheromones 38, 40, 61, 127
sexual reproduction 60, 131, 184–5,
186, 190
shared information strategy 66
short-term activation 220
shuttle-larvae 96, 98
silk 93, 96, 97
Smith, John Maynard 185
social crop 46
sociality 17, 18, 21, 161–3, 209
social parasitism 77–8
soldier larvae 53
solitary wasp 20–1, 28, 163, 210
Solomon 2, 18
sound signals 67–8
special military caste 52
species of ants 10, 12
spermatheca 39–40, 41, 71, 167, 179,
spruce resin 45
sting 53–5, 73, 78, 123, 138, 143–4
stingless bees 178
stocking foodstuffs 106–8
strategies for defence or attack 20
stridulator y organ 67–8
submajors 89
suicide attacks 51, 54
sugar-lerp 114
m, Lotta 168
supercolonies 11, 148–55, 209
swarmbots 229–30
swarm intelligence 218, 222, 226–7
swarm raid 88
swarm robotics 226–32
swollen-thorn acacia 122
symbiosis 113, 114, 121, 124, 129–30,
symbiotic alliances 121
systems of communication 60–9,
93–4, 97–8
tailor ants 93
task sharing 19, 44, 59, 60, 88
Taylor, Robert 33
telecommunications 217, 223–4
temporary social parasitism 77
termites 21, 28, 55, 87, 133, 162
territorial conflict 20, 51–2, 97
territory, defending 20, 51–2, 53, 54,
57, 97
raulaz, Guy 218, 219, 222, 225
thorax 13
threshold of hunger 58
thrips 162
Topoff, Howard 79
total weight of ants 11
touching antennae 66, 67
toxic secretions 54, 55, 127
trail patrollers 57
tramp species 142
Traniello, James 59
transporting pathogenic microbes in
hospitals 142, 145
transporting pupae 59
traps for catching prey 48–9
travelling salesman problem 221–2
tree-dwelling species 15, 54, 94–5,
tree of evolution 82, 94
Tripet, Fre
ric 73
Trivers, Robert 166
trophallaxis 58
trophobionts 113, 114, 115, 116, 117,
119, 120