In an attempt to solve the travelling salesman problem, Marco
Dorigo and his team, also from ULB, did a computer simulation
of the strategy used by real ants. They used virtual insects which
left digital pheromones on their paths. All they had to do was
start up the programme and send out their virtual scouts along
the electronic circuits. They made sure that their ants ‘knew’ in
advance the distances between towns, so that they would favour
the shortest itineraries.
The ants set out in random directions, then they turn back;
and the shorter the distance they cover, the more pheromones
they leave. Once all of them have returned to their starting point,
it is easy to detect the paths that are richest in pheromones; and it
follows that a greater number of shor ter paths will figure among
these. In the second stage of the experiment, the scientists once
again released their dummy workers which, like their real coun-
terpar ts, all set off along the paths already marked by phero-
mones, still favouring the links between towns nearest to each
other. Having repeated this sequence a certain number of times
so as to reiterate their calculations, all they had to do to find a
short path was link up the most frequented ones. This short path
was not necessarily the shortest one, but it was at least an almost
optimal solution to the problem. In addition, as stated by Guy
raulaz and Eric Bonabeau, who was at the time the director
of the Eurobios company in Paris, the system is flexible: ‘Since
the artificial ants continually explore different paths, the various
pheromone-laden ones offer back-up possibilities. Thus, if a path
is blocked, alternatives are already in place.’
Programmes of this kind, directly inspired by the behaviour of
ants, already have concrete applications that may seem improb-
able. For instance, the chemical company Unilever adopted a
similar approach to organize movements between the stor age
tanks, mixers, and packing lines in one of its factories—swarm
intelligence strikes again.