Language Development
䊋 Able to communicate complex thoughts
Cognitive Development
䊋 Thinks about one’s own thoughts and emotions
Signs of Possible Developmental Delays
䊋 Depression may be noted with higher levels in girls than boys.
• Poor peer relations, depressed or emotionally unavailable parents,
parental marital conflict or financial problems, family disruption
through divorce, poor self-image are contributing factors.
䊋 Memory deficits and learning disorders may be a result of drug use or
mental illness.
䊋 Suicide ideation may manifest.
• Preoccupation with themes of death
• Talks of own death and desire to die
• Loss of energy; exhaustion without cause
• Flat affect; distant from others, social withdrawal
• Antisocial or reckless behavior: alcohol, drugs, sexual promiscuity, fights
• Change in appetite noted
• Sleeping pattern changes noted: too little or too much
• Decreased interest or decreased ability to concentrate
• Gives away cherished items
Potential Illness or Injury
䊋 Risky behaviors, encouraged by peer pressure (i.e., violence/homicide,
reckless driving, excessive and unprotected sexual intercourse, and ado-
lescent pregnancy, smoking, substance abuse) are major causes of death
and injury in adolescents.
䊋 Mental health problems including depression, suicide, and eating disorders
can lead to adolescent death and disability.
䊋 Chronic illness requiring dietary intervention or a medication regimen
can result in decreased self-esteem due to feeling of being different from
and less “normal” than peers.
䊋 Poor eating practices and decreased exercise contribute to obesity or
䊋 Facial and body acne, aggravated by stress and hormones, is common in teens.
䊋 Effective interventions for teen clients must involve the teen in the planning
and implementation.
CHAPTER 2 / Growth and Development