Pediatric Nursing Demystified offers a detailed overview of the essential concepts
involved in the nursing care of the pediatric client. The major conditions seen
in the pediatric population are highlighted along with the associated nursing
Because the client is a child or adolescent, nursing care involves a family-
centered process. Chapter 1 discusses family dynamics and community resources.
Chapter 2 focuses on growth and development stages from infancy through
adolescence with an emphasis on the impact of developmental stage on the
care being provided to a client. Concepts of growth and development related
to the pediatric client that informs nursing care and communications with this
population and their family members are discussed. Major theories are summarized,
and the key aspects that relate to care of the pediatric client are highlighted.
Chapter 3 follows with a review of health assessment with a focus on the pediatric
client. Part II includes 12 chapters that address individual pediatric conditions
with a systematic review of illnesses and conditions encountered in the pediatric
Pediatric Nursing Demystified is an easy-to-understand presentation of
concepts and focuses on the information that students need most to deal with
the common conditions that face pediatric clients. This review focuses on the
most critical information in pediatric nursing by discussing the underlying
factors involved in maintaining or restoring the health and well-being of the
pediatric client and family and those factors that threaten that well-being.
Pediatric Nursing Demystified contains clear language and helpful features to
guide the student through application of concepts to real-life situations.
The features of the book are organized as follows:
䊋 Each detailed chapter contains learning objectives.
䊋 Key words are identified for the content area.
䊋 A brief overview of the topic is provided.
䊋 Content is divided into:
• A brief review of anatomy and physiology
• Discussion of what went wrong that resulted in the condition
• Signs and symptoms