Neoplasm, 149, 150. See also Oncology;
specific types
Nephroblastoma, 163–165, 268
Nephrons, 259, 259f
Nephron tubules, 259
Nephrotic syndrome, 265–266
Nervous system, 198–201. See also specific
anatomy and structure of, 198–199, 198f
autonomic, 198, 200–201
central, 198, 198f, 199–200
somatic, 200
Neural tube defects, 212–215
causes and mechanisms of, 212
nursing interventions for, 214–215
signs and symptoms of, 213
test results in, 213–214
treatment of, 214
types of, 212–213
Neuroblastoma, 166–167
Neurologic conditions, 201–226
brain tumors, 215–217
cerebral palsy, 217–218
Down syndrome, 219–220
Duchenne muscular dystrophy,
encephalitis, 208–210
Guillain-Barré syndrome, 221–223
hydrocephalus, 223f, 224–225
meningitis, 205–208 (See also Meningitis)
neural tube defects, 212–215 (See also Neural tube
Reye syndrome, 210–212
seizures, 201–205 (See also Seizures)
90/90 femoral traction, 284
Nits, 65
Nodule, 327
Noncommunicating hydrocephalus, 224
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma, 158–160
Noninsulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM),
Nonlymphoblastic lymphoma, 159
Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs),
on platelet function, 137
Norepinephrine, 180
Norms, cultural, 7
Nose, 60–62
epistaxis in, 60–62
examination of, 40–41
overview of, 60
Nose bleeds, 60–62
Nuchal rigidity, 40, 206
Nuclear family, 5
Nursing diagnosis, 32
Nursing history, 34
Nursing interventions, 32. See also specific
Nutritional assessment, 35–36
Obesity, 35
Obstruction, tumor, 154
Occipital lobe, 198f, 200
Oncogenic virus theory, 150
Oncologic emergencies, 154
Oncology, 147–154
client history in, 150
definition of cancer in, 149–150
diagnostic tests in, 151
family and child support in, 153–154
family assessment in, 150
locations and spread of, 148f
nursing interventions in, 152–153
overview of, 148–149
physical assessment in, 151
symptom alleviation in, 153–154
symptoms in, 150
treatments in, 152
tumor staging in, 151–152 (See also specific
Oncology conditions, 155–173
case study, 173–174
leukemia, 155–158, 156t, 157t (See also
lymphomas, 158–160
nephroblastoma (Wilms tumor), 163–165
neuroblastoma, 166–167
retinoblastoma, 169–171
rhabdomyosarcoma, 168–169
sarcomas, 160–163 (See also Sarcoma)
Opposing muscles, 281
Oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), 186