Brain tumors, 215–217
Breath sounds, 42
Bronchiolitis, 83–84
Brudzinski sign, 206, 314
Bryant traction, 284
Buck extension, 284
Buffalo hump, 182
Bulla, 326
Burn injury, 336–339
causes and mechanisms of, 336
nursing interventions for, 339
signs and symptoms of, 337
test results of, 337
treatment of, 337–339
Cachexia, 150
Calcitonin, 179
Calcium, in musculoskeletal system, 278
Cancer, 149. See also Oncology conditions; specific
Canker sore, 63
Capillary refill, 39
Cardiac catheterization, 97, 97f
for aortic stenosis, 112
for coarctation of the aorta, 108
nursing interventions for, 98
with aortic stenosis, 112–113
with atrial septal defect, 98
with coarctation of the aorta, 109
with patent ductus arteriosus, 105–106
with transposition of the great arteries, 119–120
with ventricular septal defect, 102
wit tetralogy of Fallot, 115–116
for patent ductus arteriosus, 104
for tetralogy of Fallot, 115
for transposition of the great arteries, 117–118
for ventricular septal defect, 100–101
Cardiac sphincter, 231
Cardiac surgery, nursing interventions for
with aortic stenosis, 113–114
with atrial septal defect, 99
with coarctation of the aorta, 110
with patent ductus arteriosus, 106–107
with tetralogy of Fallot, 116–117
with transposition of the great arteries, 120
with ventricular septal defect, 102–103
Cardiovascular conditions, 93–122. See also
specific conditions
aortic stenosis, 110–114
atrial septal defect, 96–100
bacterial endocarditis, 121
coarctation of the aorta, 107–110
congestive heart failure, 93–95
patent ductus arteriosus, 103–107
rheumatic fever, 122
tetralogy of Fallot, 114–117
transposition of the great arteries, 117–120
ventricular septal defect, 100–103
Cardiovascular system, 92–93, 92f–94f
Caries, dental, 23, 62–63
Cartilage, 278
Catecholamines, 180
Catheterization, cardiac.
See Cardiac catheterization
CD4 cells, 304
CD8 cells, 304
Celiac disease, 234–235
Central nervous system (CNS), 198, 198f, 199–200
Central nervous system tumors, 149
Cerebellum, 198f, 200
Cerebral cortex, 199
Cerebral palsy, 217–218
Cerebral spinal fluid (CSF), 199
Cerebrum, 198f, 199–200
Chain of infection, 302–303
Chambers, heart, 92, 92f–94f. See also specific
Cheiloplasty, 236
Chemotherapy toxicity, 129
Chest examination, 41
Chief complaint, 34
Chlamydia conjunctivitis, in newborns, 56
Choroid plexuses, 199
Christmas disease, 136–138
Chronological age, 15
Chvostek sign, 191
Circumcision, female, 43
Cleft lip, 235–237
Cleft palate, 235–237
Client history, 33–37. See also specific disorders
communication in, 33–34
family assessment in, 36–37, 37f
nursing history in, 34