䊋 Develop an action plan that addresses the needs of the pediatric client
and family from admission through discharge back into the community
and home setting.
Nursing alert When possible, determine who has legal custodial rights and can
make decisions regarding the child before critical decisions must be made.
Social factors such as living environment and community relationships, in
addition to economic factors such as poverty, unemployment, or homelessness,
can impact the health of a child and family because of limited access to clean water,
food, shelter, or health. Some groups are considered high-risk populations,
groups of people at higher risk for illness than the general population, due to
social, economic, or cultural factors. Be aware of these key social factors:
䊋 Poverty may limit access to healthy food leading to nutritional deficits.
䊋 Lack of access to health care decreases health promotion and maintenance
and contributes to late diagnosis of illness and delayed treatment.
䊋 Unemployment contributes to poverty and possible homelessness,
increasing exposure to overcrowded shelters, dangerous situations, and
䊋 High-risk behaviors such as unprotected sex, drugs, and reckless driving
can lead to unwanted pregnancy, infections, addiction, and injury.
䊋 Teen pregnancy can result in poor prenatal care, premature birth, and birth
defects as well as poor parenting, leading to physiologic and psychological
damage to the pediatric client.
䊋 Family disruption due to factors such as drug or alcohol abuse, mental
illness, domestic violence, or divorce can destabilize the child’s life,
leading to distress.
䊋 Community instability because of gang activity, crime, violence, high
unemployment, and poverty can result in decreased available health
䊋 Perform community assessment to identify contributing factors to pediatric
illness and risk factors for additional health problems.
䊋 Address community resource needs prior to discharge; follow up in com-
munity or home setting after discharge.
䊋 Work collaboratively with community agencies to provide comprehensive
care to the pediatric client and family and facilitate follow-up assessment
and evaluations.
Pediatric Nursing Demystified