by geometry to prevent entrainment (this
particularly includes the provision to elim-
inate jetting from the rear face of the filter).
A low velocity will be achieved if the cross-
sectional area of the runner downstream of
the filter is increased in proportion to the
reduction in speed provided by the filter.
(ii) Every part of the subsequent journey for the
liquid is either horizontal or uphill. The
corollary of this condition is that the base of
the sprue and the filter should always be at
the lowest point of the running system and
the casting. This excellent general rule is a
key requirement.
Tangential placement
Filters have been seen to be open to criticism
because of their action in splitting up the flow,
thereby, it was thought, probably introducing
additional oxide into the melt. There is some truth
in this concern. A preliminary exploration of this
problem was carried out by the author (Din and
Campbell 1994). Liquid Al alloy was recorded on
optical video flowing through a ceramic foam
filter in an open runner. The filter did appear to
split the flow into separate jets; a tube of oxide
forming around each jet. However, close obser-
vation indicated that the jets recombined about
10 mm downstream from the filter, so that air was
excluded from the stream from that point
onwards. The oxide tubes around the jets
appeared to wave about in the eddies of the flow,
remaining attached to the filter, like weed
attached to a grill across a flowing stream. The
study was repeated and the observations con-
firmed by X-ray video radiography. The work was
carried out at modest flow velocities in the region
of 0.5 to 2.0 m s
. It is not certain, however,
whether the oxides would continue to remain
attached if speeds were much higher, or if the flow
were to suffer major disruption from, for instance,
the passage of bubbles through the filter.
What is certain is the damage that is done to
the stream after the filter if the melt issuing from
the filter is allowed to jet into the air. Loper and
co-workers (1996) call this period during which
this occurs the spraying time. This is so serious a
problem that it is considered in some detail below.
Unfortunately, most filters are placed trans-
verse to the flow, simply straight across a runner
(Figure 2.56a) and in locations where the pressure
of the liquid is high (i.e. at the base of the sprue or
entrance into the runner). In these circumstances,
the melt shoots through a straight-through-hole
type filter almost as though the filter was not
present, indicating the such filters are not parti-
cularly effective when used in this way. When a
foam filter suffers a similar direct impingement,
penetration occurs by the melt seeking out the
easiest flow paths through the various sizes of
interconnected channels, and therefore emerges
from the back of the filter at various random
points. Jets of liquid project from these exit
points, and can be seen in video radiography. The
jets impinge on the floor of the runner, and on the
shallow melt pool as it gradually builds up,
causing severe local surface turbulence and so
creating dross. If the runner behind the filter is
long or has a large volume, the jetting behaviour
can continue until the runner is full, creating
volumes of seriously damaged metal.
Conversely, if the volume of the filter exit
channel is kept small, the volume of damaged melt
thatcanbeformedisnowreduced correspondingly.
Although this factor has been little researched, it is
certain to be important in the design of a good
placement for the filter. Loper et al. (1996) realized
this problem, describing the limited volume at the
back of the filter as a hydraulic lock, the word lock
being used in a similar sense to a lock on an inland
waterway canal.
Figure 2.56b shows an improved geometry
that enables the back of the filter to be covered
with melt quickly. Figure 2.56c shows an
improved technique, placing the block filter
tangentially to the direction of flow. The tan-
gential mode has the advantage of the limitation
of the exit volume from the filter, and providing
a geometrical form resembling a sump, or lowest
point, so that the exit volume fills quickly. In
this way the opportunity for the melt to jet freely
into air is greatly reduced so that the remainder
of the flow is protected. A further advantage of
this geometry is the ability to site a bubble trap
over the filter, providing a method whereby the
flow of metal and the flow of air bubbles can be
divided into separate streams. The air bubbles in
the trap are found to diffuse away gradually into
sand moulds. For dies, the traps may need to be
An additional benefit is that the straight-
through-hole extruded or pressed filters seem to
be effective when used tangentially in this way.
A study of the effectiveness of tangential place-
ment in the author's laboratory (Prodham et al.
1999) has shown that a straight-through-pore
filter could achieve comparable reliability of
mechanical properties as could be achieved by a
relatively well-placed ceramic foam filter (Sirrell
and Campbell 1997).
Adams (2001) draws attention to the impor-
tance of the flow directed downwards through
the filter. In this way buoyant debris such as
dross or slag can float clear. In contrast, with
upward flow through the filter the buoyant
debris collects on the intake face of the filter and
progressively blocks the filter.
90 Castings Practice: The 10 Rules of Castings