of the oxide skin on the casting and their own
oxide skin. Both these films require to be bro-
ken. (This is achieved by larger bubbles because
of their stronger buoyancy forces, but not by
smaller bubbles. The dividing line between large
and small bubbles seems to be in the region of
5 mm diameter for many light and dense alloys.)
Such bubbles, sitting only a double thickness of
oxide depth under the top skin of the casting are
commonly broken into when shot blasting, or
on the first machining cut. These too are com-
monly observed in video radiographic studies.
Close optical examination of the interiors of
bubbles and bifilms in an aluminium alloy
casting often reveals some shiny dendrite tips
characteristic of shrinkage porosity. This adds
to confusion of identification, because shrink-
age cavities will often form, expanding an
existing bifilm, unfurling and opening it, and
finally sucking one or both of its films into the
dendrite mesh. Subsequently only fragments of
the originating oxides will sometimes be found
among the dendrites. This process has been
observed in video radiographic studies of cast-
ings. An unfed casting has been seen to draw in
air bubbles at a hot spot on its surface. The
bubbles floated up in succession, but the later
bubbles became trapped by dendrites. As
solidification progressed, shrinkage caused the
air bubbles to gradually convert to shrinkage
cavities. The perfectly round and sharp radio-
graphic images were seen to become `furry' and
indistinct as the liquid meniscus was sucked into
the surrounding mesh of dendrites. Finally, the
defect resembled an extensive shrinkage cavity;
its origin as a gas bubble no longer discernible.
Other real-time radiography has shown
bubbles entrained in the runner, and swept
through the gate and into the casting. The
upward progress of one bubble in the region of
5 to 10 mm diameter appeared to be arrested,
the bubble circulating in the centre of the cast-
ing, behaving like a balloon on a string. The
string, of course, being the bubble trail acting as
a tether. Other bubbles of various sizes up to
about 5 mm diameter in the same casting were
observed to float to the top of the casting,
coming to rest under the oxide skin of the cope
surface. These bubbles had clearly broken free
from their tethers, probably as a result of the
extreme turbulence during the early part of
the filling process. The central bubble was
marginally just too small to tear free from its
trail. In addition, it may have lost some buoy-
ancy as a result of loss of oxygen during its rise,
or perhaps more likely, it ascended as far as it
did because of assistance from the force of the
flow of the melt. When this abated higher in
the mould cavity, its buoyancy alone was
insufficient to split its oxide skin, so that its
upward progress was halted.
Where many bubbles have passed through
an ingate into the mould, a cross-section of the
ingate will reveal some central porosity. These
are the bubble trails, pushed ahead of the
growing dendrites, and so concentrated in the
centre of the ingate section. Close examination
will confirm that this porosity is not shrinkage
porosity, but a mass of double oxide films, the
bubble trails. In Al alloys they appear as a series
of dark, non-reflective oxidized surfaces inter-
leaved like the flaky, crumpled pages of an old
sepia-coloured newspaper.
In some stainless steels the phenomenon is
seen under the microscope as a mixture of
bubbles and cracks. (A remarkable combina-
tion! Without the concept of the bifilm such a
combination would be extremely difficult to
explain.) In these strong materials the high
cooling strain leads to high stresses that open up
the double oxide bubble trails.
In grey iron cylinder heads the bubbles and
their trails are coated not with oxide but with a
lustrous carbon film. The carbon film appears
to be somewhat more rigid than most oxide
films, and so resists to some extent the complete
collapse of the trail, and retains a more open
centre. In effect, the bubbles punch holes
through the cope surfaces of the casting, so that
their trails form highly efficient leak paths.
The bubble trail is usually a collapsed, or
nearly closed, tube. However, completely open
bubble trails have been observed by Divandari
in pressure die castings (Figure 4.2). In this
process the very high injection velocities, of the
order of 10 to 100 times the critical velocity for
entrainment, naturally entrains considerable
quantities of air and mould gases. These extra-
ordinary conditions are perhaps better descri-
bed in terms of atomization and emulsification
of the air and the metal. The very high pressure
(up to 100 MPa, or 15 000 psi) applied during
casting is mainly used to compress these
unwanted gases to persuade them to take up the
minimum volume in the casting. If, however, the
die is opened before the casting is fully solidi-
fied, as is usual to maximize productivity, the
entrained bubbles may experience a reduction in
their surrounding mechanical support, allowing
the bubbles to expand under their immense
internal pressure. At the same time, of course,
their bubble trails will also be re-inflated. Such
open bubble trails in pressure die-cast compo-
nents are expected to be serious sources of
leakage, particularly when broken into by
machining operations. In this case the problem
is greatly reduced (although perhaps never quite
eliminated) by sacrificing some productivity,
110 Castings Practice: The 10 Rules of Castings