avalanche multiplication occurs only close to the wire and is insensi tive to where
the primary electron is born. There is a delay in time depending upon where the
electron is born (see also Chap. 3). A particle arriving produces several electrons as
it slows down, and the larger the energy of the particle, the farther it travels, and
larger is the number of primary electrons and therefore secondary electrons. The
amount of charge flowing through the electrode is proportional to the initial energy
of the particle, hence the name – “proportional counter.” The time the pulse arrives
is related to the dela y and, therefore, the location the electron came from. As the
particle proceeds along the medium, the number of ionization events is recorded as
a function of time. The figure shows an example of signal peaks corresponding to
9 aval anches (clusters). The high-tech, modern version of the proportional counter
revolutionized detection of particles by bringing it into the electronic age. While the
proportional counter tells about the arrival of a particle with a specific energy, it did
not provide a track. One had to depend on a bubbl e chamber to see the tracks.
However, in 1968, Georges Charpak invented the multi-wire proportional counter
(drift chamber). In this, an array of wires is placed so that a particle location is
determined as a function of time by the signals from each of the wires (see bottom
Fig. 12.3). In more elaborate counters, another array, adjacent to the first array,
pinpoints the position of the particle even more accurately, from the time of arrival
of the signal at the two different wires. The Multi-Wire Proportional Chamber
(MWPC) is placed in a mag netic field so that the charge-to-mass ratio can also be
determined from the curvature of the track. The big advantage of the MWPC and its
sister devices is that now the signals are electrical and the position is coded by the
grid laid down by the wires. This way the particle path can be imaged and tracked
on the screen just like a culprit being tracked in traffic grid by the police. Data
acquisition systems and computers handle all the data processing and one can even
select the type of tracks one is looking for. The wires are placed millimeters apart
with a precision of tens of microns and with this, the particle position at any instant
can be tracked to within 50–300 mm.
Highly sophisticated versions of the proportional counter-wire chambers are
now used. In the Drift Chamber version, the field is shaped to be very uniform
away from the wire avalanche region, and as a result, the arrival time of the
ionization pulse tells the distance from the anode wire more precise ly, and the
relative signal between two ends of the same wire gives the position along the wire.
Two wire arrays oriented perpe ndicular or at an angle of 45
can resolve the
overlapping signals of two simultaneous ionization events due to two particles.
More complex multiple wire arrays have grids on which the drifting electrons are
first collected. Then the grid is gated open to pour out the electrons that create
avalanches, and both electrons and ions are detected.
A variation of the same principle is used in which the avalanche produces a
plasma, and a spark occurs between wires maintained at a high voltage. This device
is called a Spark Chamber. First, a scintillation counter detects a particle and turns
on the high voltage on the wires and then, as the particle traverses between
electrodes, it creates a plasma spark. Onc e the spark is detected, the high voltage
is turned off.
Particle in the Cross Wire: Multi-Wire Proportional Counters 189