Last, but not least, the experimental facility has spectacularly large, cathedral size
halls, housing massive detectors. These detectors have large powerful magnets to
bend charged particles ema nating from the collision region. As the particles tra-
verse this region, they travel through layers of material and sensors that slow them
down and detect them. The radius of curvature of the particles and how they slow
down indicates the mass and energy of the particles. The size of these detectors, and
the amount of wiring that goes in and out of them, would awe even the most
seasoned physicist or engineer. The physics, technology and engineering of particle
Detectors have come a long way from the days of phosphors, cloud chambers and
photographic plates. Often, the detectors are the most visible part of a particle
physics experiment, obscuring the complexity and size of the distributed accelera-
tor system. This is also where the interesting physi cs experiment happens. So once
the accelerator starts working reliably, it just becomes a source of high-energy
particles, a commodity and all eyes are focused on the Detectors. Th e Detectors are
described in the next chapter.
Other Physics and Engineering Systems
The above descrip tion gives only half the story. An accelerator–collider complex
requires substantial diagnostics rivaling space systems. Th e beam has to be sampled
for its nominal behavior (number of particles, bunch characteristics, cross section,
etc.) and its energy and the spread in energy. The whole system of mag nets,
accelerator cavities, vacuum, etc. has to be monitored for these large assemblies.
The beam is often brought out (using, what are called, dog legs) for other non-
collision experiments such as fixed target experiments or to make a factory for
producing copious amounts of exotic particles such as B-mesons. Also, when the
experiment is done or the machine is to be aborted, there have to be particle dumps
that absorb the other worldly energy of beam particles. Such facilities require
additional physics and engineering design, technology, and fabrication.
The data acquisition, retrieval, and analysis system would be the most advanced
required for any human endeavor. For example, with 40 million collisions a second,
a modern day physics experiment like the Large Hadron Collider alone would
generate 1 PB (petabyte or 10
bytes or one million gigabytes) per year. This much
data would have to be crunched down to few tens of terabytes for analysis purposes.
Even this analysis, before it appears before human eyes, would have to be processed
in a short time to give a good understanding of the experimental result. There would
be thousands of researchers participating at the same time and the data has to be
shared at high speeds. Over and above this, the system data would continuously be
pouring some at a slow rate, but many at fast rates.
Other Physics and Engineering Systems 183