strange quark. While they are other different decay possibilities for a strange particle,
one mode was never observed. Murray Gell-Mann and Sheldon Glasgow noted
that the electroweak theory predicted “strangeness changing neutral currents”
(SCNC), a term, Sheldon calls “incomprehensible exemplar of gibberish” and also
“Ecch! An unwanted, unseen and despised ... effect” (Interactions by Sheldon
Glasgow, Warner Books, 1988). Glashow (aided by John Iliopoulos and Luciano
Maiani) then reasoned that if the strange quark had a partner, the “Charmed Quark”
(now called charm quark), the problem goes away because the generation of SCNC is
cancelled by participation of up, down, strange and charm quarks. True to its name
“charm” (as in charm bracelet), the “charm quark” averted the evil of SCNC.
As was stated before, strange particles are always produced in pairs as particles
and antiparticles. These would not annihilate each other immediately and a bound
state of these could exist, bound state like a hydrogen atom of proton and electron (for
example, the positronium, bound state of positron and electron, also exists). There-
fore, now the final proof of the electroweak theory hung in the discovery of the bound
state of the charmed particle and charmed antiparticle. In the early 1970s, this would
be the holy grail of particle physics. In a spectacular and unbelievable coincidence,
two groups announced the discovery of two particles on November 11, 1974. The
team led by Samuel Ting, at the first ever and large alternate gradient synchrotron
AGS in Brookehaven (BNL), announced the discovery of the J meson and the team
headed by Burton Richter at the first ever high energy linear accelerator at the
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center team, announced the discovery of the Psi particle.
The two teams did not know of each other’s discovery. Instead of being called the
“November Miracle,” it is now called “November Revolution,” presumably because
physicists do not believe in miracles. It turns out that these two particles are same and
are the “charmonium,” bound state of charm quark and charm antiquark. The
discovery of this meson promptly earned the two physicists, the Nobel Prize, in 1976.
The charm not only addressed the SCNC, it also established a pattern for the
quark set. Now there was an up quark and a down quark, bolts and nuts of the matter
around us, the strange and the charm quark that arrive in particle packages from the
cosmos. In 1977, a fifth baby, the bottom quark, arrived unexpectedly, discovered
by the Fermilab group led by Leon Lederman’s team (Yes, he did get the Nobel
Prize for it). This discovery was ahead of the theory. All eyes then were looking at
the delivery rooms of the particle detectors for signs of the twin of the bottom. It
would take 18 years and the top quark was indeed discovered.
Neutrino, a Wisp of a Particle
One other group of constituents, very important but not well covered topics so far, are
the neutrinos (and antineutrinos). The neutrino was proposed by Wolfgang Pauli to
account for the angular momentum conservation in neutron described above. He
introduced this particle to the conference on Radioactivity by addressing the audience
as “Dear Radioactive Ladies and Gentleman.” In 1956, Clyde Cowan, Frederick
Neutrino, a Wisp of a Particle 167