bending and 240 quadrupole magnets, each magnet up to 20 ft long and weighing
up to 12.5 tons. The last of these was installed in April 1971. It is a credit to all the
accelerator physicists, past and active then, that such a large and state-of-the-art
machine could be built without any serious glitc hes and probl ems. On March 1,
1972, the protons were filled from the booster at 11
A.M. At 11:30 A.M., the beam had
crossed the transition gamma and at 1.03 P.M., Stan Towzer declared “That one
went all the way out.” The proton beam had reached 200 GeV, traveling 70,000
times around the ring in 1.6 s. The FNAL history website (Fermilab History Project,
Accelerator, and Main Ring) describes the celebration,
“In the Control Room on the next pulse, someone in the hushed crowd said, "There it is!"
and a rousing cheer filled the room at 1:08 pm!
On a desk in the lobby sat a carton with a white handwritten label readin g, "For Ned
Goldwasser...for 200 GeV celebration...from Al W... It’s the correct brand. Tradition
calls for 40 persons per bottle at lower energy machines...." Edwin L. Goldwasser, Deputy
Director of the Laboratory, ordered the carton opened. The gift of chianti wine came a few
days before from Al Wattenburg, professor of physics at the University of Illinois, who was
one of the small group present at the first self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction achieved in
1942 by the team headed by Enrico Fermi, when a bottle of the same brand of chianti was
passed among that group of pioneer nuclear scientists. Now, thirty years later, another
group of jubilant scientists shared a major achievement in particle physics. Dr. Wilson and
Dr. Goldwasser passed through the crowd filling paper cups, shaking hands, accepting and
extending congratulations at every turn. Later, champagne that had waited for many months
in the cafeteria cooler, was served in plastic goblets labeled "200 GeV"!”
As with human rights issues, Fermilab also became a good steward of the land
they had acquired for the laboratory. The native prairie land was restored, including
bringing in a herd of buffalos (bisons) that used to roam in large numbers in the
past. Green spaces were created and old farmhouses converted to idyllic
guesthouses for visiting scientists. (This practice has now become the n orm for
accelerator laboratories around the world.) After serving for about 25 years, the
Main Ring gave way to the Main Injector for a larger machine, again a first in the
accelerator world.
Not too long after the success of the Main Ring, CERN also celebrated with its
own SPS (Super Proton Synchrotron – not a superconducting machine), a compa-
rable synchrotron which, like the main ring, is giving excellent service as an
injector for a larger machine. The 6.9 km (about 3.9 mile) circumference machine
exceeded its goals and achieved 400 GeV and 10
protons in December 1976, half
of which were extracted to the outside. But the Fermilab main ring had already
exceeded the energy by running at 500 GeV about 6 months or so earlier.
The change from a beam bound within a magnet to a ring of beam tube has
liberated the size of the ring. As long as reso urces and space can be found, there is
now full confidence that these rings of the earth can be built. Indee d, hundreds of
synchrotrons varying in diameter from several meters to several tens of kilometers
in circumference are in operation. They serve varying purposes, some providing
high-energy X-rays, some providing medical isotopes, and many in the serv ice of
high-energy physics. Like the rings of Saturn, they may break away in the far
future, but while they are here, they add an aesthetic sense to human purpose.
114 7 Rings of Earth: The Synchrotron