leaves. This way, each bunch sees an accelerating voltage as it enters and a repelling
voltage as it leaves. In addition to accelerating the particles, the accelerator cavity
must also replace the energy lost by particles through synchrotron radiation which
the partic les emit when they do not move along a straight line. (Therefore, this is
generally an issue for synchrotrons and not for linear accelerators.) The RF cavity
design has come a long way since the days of Wideroe, aided by extraordinary
developments in the application of superconducting materials. These developments,
while important for circular accelerators, are the key to linear accelerators of the
future since so many of them would be required for them.
The challenge of the RF cavity is to generate high accelerator voltages so that
particles can be accelerated without going through too many turns. The demand on
the voltage is particularly severe for linear accelerators where multiple cavities are
used along the accelerator length, which can be made shorter, reducing size and
cost, if the accelerating voltage per unit length of the cavity can be increased. When
these voltages are large, considerable energy loss occurs in the RF structure and
electrical brea kdowns are a serious issue. The total power that must be fed into the
cavity is the product of the cavity voltage and the beam current (number of particles
crossing the cavity per second electric charge). One way to limit the energy
losses is to make the cavity structure that confines the strong radiofrequency electric
fields, out of superconducting materials, reducing power requirement to near zero.
Superconducting cavities have zero D.C. resistance and therefore can achieve high
“Quality Factor,” ratio of inductive to resistive voltage.
When the development of superconducting cavities began, initial results were
limited to a few MV/m ele ctric fields. At these fields, considering the cost of
cryostat, etc., these would not have been competitive. But, recent developments
in design, material, and clean room fabrication, including surface deposition
techniques, have pushed the gradient to near 40 MV/m, a stupendous number.
Central to this achievem ent are the material processing techniques, viz., chemical
cleaning of the surface of the cavities, removal of any specs and sharp burrs which
would locally increase the electric fields, causing field emission and electrical
breakdown, annealing of the superconducting niobium material at 1,400
increase its thermal conductivity to maintain superconducting stability, and rinsing
methods to remove surface contaminants, etc. Since such cavities operate at very
low temperatures, these too need a cryostat to minimize external heat. The simpli-
fication of cryostat design has been an important factor in this feasibility. While the
normal cavities operate at a frequency of the order of 10 GHz, superconducting
cavities operate at a lower frequency (around 1 GHz), making the sources simpler
and mechanical tolerances easier to achieve. The lower frequency also allows long
particle bunches (Fig. 8.8).
While niobium–titanium and niobium–tin are better superconductors, the maxi-
mum gradients these could sustain are limited partly due to their granular structure
and grain-boundary effects and because these materials are affected more by high
frequency fields. Superconductors are nondissipative in DC conditions, but when
alternating fields are applied, the hysteresis involved in their persistent currents
causes dissipation, much like in iron and this dissipates heat, causing
Superconducting Radiofrequency Accelerator Cavities 125