how well the Bevatron worked on any given day. Sometimes people would trade
their days because they had or did not have the right equipment and calculations.
One such trade favored Chamberlain’s team over Lofgren’s and they discovered the
antiproton first, though Lofgren could easily have been the first.
Chamberlain and Wiegand chose the parameters and instrume nts with simplic-
ity, but great diligence. First they chose their instruments after talking to many
experienced experimenters. Following Or esto Piccioni’s suggestion, they selected a
spectrometer, in which the antiproton would have a curved trajectory because of the
application of the magnetic field. Since the field is accurately measured, the radius
of the curvature would be known for a given velocity (radius ¼ gmv/qB, with m and
q being the mass and charge of the antiproton). They chose a velocity of 77% of the
speed of light for catching a particular track. With the radius known, the particle
stream coming out of the magnet was selected for this radius by a slit and only
antiprotons with that velocity would go through it. This selected the desired
momentum and charge. They had two scintillation detectors (detectors that emit
light when particles traverse them), spaced 11 m apart. If it is the antiproton with the
right velocity that is going through them, then scintillation time of the two detectors
would be apart by 50 ns. This identified the particle velocity. Then they had the
Cerenkov detect or (“pickle barrel” shaped “Secret Weapon”), which was built
following the design of Sam Lindenbaum. Chamberlain had the insight to know
that this design was selected for velocity of the particle while most thought the
Cerenkov detectors give signals only for velocities above a certain value.
A word about Cerenkov detectors (these would be further described in a later
chapter): These detectors are based on a discovery by Pavel Cerenkov who found
that when particles travel faster than the speed of light, they emit a radiation. What,
you ask? Travel faster than the speed of light? But that is forbidden by relativity,
you say. Actually, not exactly. Matter cannot travel faster than speed of light in
vacuum. But in a medium such as water, light slows down considerably. For
example, speed of light in water is only 75% of the speed in vacuum. So, the
antiproton that Chamberlain chose would exceed this speed and the Cerenk ov
radiation would be emitted. This is what Chamberlain and Wiegand set out to
measure, except that they used a slab of glass as the medium but instead of using it
as a “threshold” detector which would emit light for any particle with a speed
greater than the speed of light in glass, they used the additional information that the
angle of emission depends on the actual velocity. The light due to a slower
superluminal particle would be emitted at a shallow angle and faster particle
would result in a larger angle. They, once again, selected the angle for a particle
with 77% of the speed of light. With these gauntlets, any signal they got had to be
due to an antiproton corresponding to the expected velocity. It would be a lucky
break that would lead Chamberlain’s team to be the first to discover the antiproton.
Six weeks of operation of Bevatron had been scheduled in August and September
1955. Six days into the operation, the machine broke down and when it was again
operational on September 21st, it was Lofgren’s team’s turn to do the experiments.
Instead, Lofgren loaned his team’s time to Segre’ and Chamberlain. That would
turn out to be a big gift. Sure enough, they found the unmistakable signals of the
Catching the Antiproton Traveling Faster Than the Speed of Light 89