deposition and electropaint deposited cathodically have been shown to resist a
variety of climatic and corrosive atmospheres [M3].
Permanent magnets in magnetic separation
The early history of magnetic separation is closely associated with permanent
magnets, which were used to remove strongly magnetic matter from wastes or
to recover strongly magnetic (mostly iron) minerals from ores. With the devel-
opment of powerful electromagnets the interest in permanent magnets as ap-
plied to magnetic separation temporarily diminished. In recent years, however,
we have witnessed a remarkable renaissance of interest in permanent magnets,
a phenomenon associated with the dramatic development of novel permanent
magnets materials, based on rare earths.
Although the magnetic induction that can be generated by permanent mag-
nets rarely exceeds 1 T, the value that can be easily produced by electromagnetic
coils, in a much larger volume, permanent magnets oer several advantages over
electromagnets. In small devices, permanent magnets have major advantages
over electromagnetism. Even in large systems, however, permanent magnets
are a good solution, as a result of their advantageous volume e!ciency, low
operating costs and simple support facilities. And very importantly, permanent
magnets do not require a source of energy or a cooling fluid.On the other hand,
permanent magnets possess a few disadvantages, among them the fact that the
magnetic field is di!cult to vary and that it cannot be switched o.
As a result of notable development of new permanent magnet materials dur-
ing the last three decades, permanent magnets are currently used in a wide range
devices for magnetic treatment of materials. In most applications, in which a
relatively short reach of the magnetic force is required, permanent magnets re-
placed electromagnets. Permanent magnetic rolls, magnetic pulleys, suspended
magnets, high-field permanent drum magnetic separators and eddy-current sep-
arators are typical examples. Even in those applications of magnetic separation
where the magnetic force must be generated in a relatively large volume, per-
manent magnets are employed. Multiple-ring high-gradient magnetic separators
are an example. In the application of magnetic techniques in biosciences per-
manent magnets are an essential part of biomagnetic separators and devices for
drug targeting and hyperthermia.
1.7.2 Iron-core electromagnets
Of the several ways of generating a magnetic field in magnetic separation, the
choice is dictated mainly by the required field magnitude, by the volume in which
a given magnetic field is to be generated and by methods used to generate the
field gradient. An eective separation of weakly magnetic particles of a small size
often requires an increase of both the magnetic field and of its gradient beyond
the values available with permanent magnets. Furthermore, as the magnetic
field falls very rapidly from the surface of a permanent magnet, the eective
volume in which a su!ciently high magnetic force can be created is limited.