Table 2.12: FHS separators manufactured by GMUO [G4].
Model Feed size [mm] Throughput
Density range
FGS-1A -50+0.2 60 1200 - 11 000
FGS-70 -25+2.5 200 6500 - 10 000
FGS-40 -10+0.2 5 4000 - 9000
FGS-40/3 -5+0.2 2 2500 - 3500
FGS-200 - 100 + 10 4000 3000 - 6000
It can be seen from eqs. (2.8) to (2.10) that in order to achieve a constant
apparent density of separation, in a magnetically saturated ferrofluid, the gradi-
ent of the magnetic field must be constant. This is achieved by suitably shaping
the pole tips of the magnetic system. A ferrohydrostatic separator (FHS), which
uses a ferrofluid as a working medium, thus produces two fractions, namely a
float and a sinks products. Figure 2.103 illustrates the concept of a separator
with magnetic fluids.
The e!ciency of ferrohydrostatic separation decreases with decreasing size
of particles. In order to overcome this ine!cient separation of fine particles in
gravity-based FHS, a rotation-based separation Magstream process was devel-
oped [W7].
2.8.2 Ferrohydrostatic separators
AVCO Corporation and NASA (USA) pioneered the FHS technique in 1973
by employing a kerosene-based ferrofluid to separate automobile scrap [M12].
Considerable eort to develop this technology was subsequently expended in
Japan and the USA. Hitachi [N4], Nittetsu Mining Co. [S51], Tohoku University
[S50] and US Bureau of Mines [R9] further confirmed the unique features of the
FHS technology. Numerous pilot-plant-scale separators were designed and built,
with throughputs up to 500 kg/h. Although extensive tests confirmed viability
of this technique, particularly when applied to the recovery of non-ferrous metals
from automobile scrap, production-scale application did not take place in the
Western World at that time [F8]. Comprehensive review of the history of FHS
in Japan and the USA was given by Fujita [F8].
Ferrohydrostatic separation was also researched and used, in approximately
the same time period, on a production scale in the former Soviet Union. The
Gipromashugleobogashcheniye Institute (GMUO) in Lugansk, the Ukraine, de-
veloped a comprehensive range of models of ferrohydrostatic separators for dif-
ferent applications and throughputs. These separators were used in such diverse
applications as densimetric analysis of coal, recovery of gold from gravity con-
centrates, diamond concentration and separation of non-ferrous scrap. Table
2.12 summarizes various models of FHS units manufactured by GMUO [G4].
Figure 2.104 illustrates the versatile FGS-40 separator suitable for laboratory-
scale separation of various minerals in the density range from 4000 kg/m