interpretation for all the other primitives of the system. For if the given
primitive were to depend on the other primitives, the interpretation
of the latter would uniquely determine the interpretation of the given
primitive so that it would be impossible to find two interpretations as
Padoa’s formulation of his undefinability proof has been criticized
for not meeting all the requirements of logical rigor and, in particular,
for its lack of a rigorous criterion for the “differentness” of interpreta-
tions. It has therefore been reformulated by, among others, John C. C.
Evert Willem Beth,
and Alfred Tarski.
That in the above axiomatization m is independent of the other prim-
itive notions can be shown by the Padoa method as follows: P is in-
terpreted as the set whose only member is 1, T as the set of all real
numbers, s(1, t) for all t ∈ T as the vector each component of which is
unity, f(1, t, i) as the null vector for all t ∈ T and every positive integer i;
finally, it is agreed that m
(1) = 1 and m
(1) = 2. Thus interpreted,
P, T, m
, s, f
and 0
P, T, m
, s, f
are systems of particle
mechanics, i.e., both systems satisfy all the axioms A-1 to A-6, and agree
in all primitives with the exception of m. Hence, according to Padoa’s
method, m is not definable in terms of the other primitives. A similar
argument proves the logical independence of m in the axiomatization
proposed by Suppes. These considerations seem to suggest that, quite
generally, the concept of mass cannot be defined in terms of kinemat-
ical conceptions and, as such conceptions correspond to observational
notions, mass is thus a theoretical term.
A. Padoa, “Essai d’une théorie algébrique des nombres entiers, précédé d’une intro-
duction logique
a une théorie déductive quelconque,” Biblioth
eque du Congr
es International
de Philosophie, Paris, 1900 (Paris, 1901), vol. 3, pp. 309–365. English (partial) translation
“Logical Introduction to Any Deductive Theory,” in Jean van Heijenoort, ed., From Frege
to G
odel: A Source Book in Mathematical Logic 1879–1931 (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard
University Press, 1967, 1977), pp. 118–123.
J.C.C. McKinsey, “On the Independence of Undefined Ideas,” Bulletin of the American
Mathematical Society 41, 291–256 (135).
E. W. Beth, “On Padoa’s Method in the Theory of Definition,” Koninklijke Nederlandse
Akademie van Wetenschappen, Proceedings of the Science Section 56, Series A, Mathematical
Sciences, 330–339 (1953); Indagationes Mathematicae 15, 330–339 (1953).
A. Tarski, “Einige methodologische Untersuchungen
uber die Definierbarkeit der
Begriffe,” Erkenntnis 5, 80–100 (1936); “Some Methodological Investigations on the Defin-
ability of Concepts,” in A. Tarski, Logic, Semantics, Metamathematics (Oxford: Clarendon
Press, 1956), pp. 296–319.