Thieberger, Peter, 128
Thiele, Rudolf, 12
Thirring-Lense effect, anticipation of, 146
Thomson, Joseph John, 34–35;
electromagnetic theory of mass,
Thomson, William (Lord Kelvin), on
mass-weight distinction, 91
Thüring, Bruno, 29
time, nonrelativistic versus relativistic
concepts of, 56
time reversal, in CPT theorem, 124
Tisserand, François Felix, 153
Tolman, Richard C., 48n11; Landau-
Sampanthar work and, 48; longitudinal
collision experiment, 45–46; transverse
collision experiment, 44–45
top-quark, mass of, 161
Torretti, Roberto, on derivation of
mass-energy relation, 66
transverse collision (thought experiment),
transverse mass: conception of, 42;
Einstein’s equation for, 43
Tsai, Ling, thought experiment of, 131–32
Tucker, George, Voyage to the Moon, 122–23
UFF. See uniqueness of free fall;
universality of free fall
uncharged particles, and relativistic mass,
uniqueness of free fall (UFF), principle of,
universality of free fall (UFF), principle of,
97–99; Galileo-type tests of, 114
universe: empty, inertial mass of particle
in, 157; expanding, and mass of particle,
vacuum, 32; quantum, and inertia, 164, 165
van Buren, Dave, 133
Vanyck, Michael A., 55
velocity of light: as constant of integration,
46–48; in derivation of mass-energy
relation, 68, 76; and relativistic mass,
41; in Tolman’s derivation of relativistic
mass, 46
velocity-dependent mass. See relativistic
Verne, Jules, De la Terre à la Lune, 123
Viennese Circle, and Mach’s definition of
mass, 16
virtual mass, 33
virtual particles, 32
Vlaev, Stoyan J., on weight-inertia
proportionality in classical mechanics,
Volkmann, Paul, 12
von Borzeszkowski, Horst-Heino, 16, 150
von Laue, Max, 73
Vøyenli, Kjell, 57–58
Voyage to the Moon (Tucker), 122–23
, 162, 163
, 162, 163
Wahsner, Renate, 16, 150
Walton, Ernest T. S., 87
Wapstra, Aaldert Hendrik, 114
Warren, J. W., 87
weak equivalence principle (WEP), 97;
ancient atomists and, 98–100; antimatter
and, 125–26; for antiparticle, 124;
versus Aristotelian thesis, 98–99; for
bodies moving at high speed, 131–
32; dynamic version of, 97, 98, 99;
and Einstein equivalence principle, 105;
Einstein’s explanation of, 108–9; and
Einstein’s general theory of relativity,
101, 102–4; Eötvös experiment and,
103, 109–10; Galileo’s demonstration of,
98–99, 100; gravitational binding energy
and, 115–18; kinematic version of, 97–99;
Moscow solar experiment and, 111–12,
113; in Newtonian physics, 105–8;
Newton’s demonstration of, 100–101;
Princeton solar experiment and, 111,
113; in space-time terminology, 102–3;
in special relativity, 131–32; stochastic
electrodynamical theory and, 165; tests
of, 103, 109–14, 120–21
Weber, Wilhelm, 152
Weber’s inertial mass, 159