32 2 Measurements and quantum operations
2.1 The von Neumann classification of processes
The quantum measurement problem has resulted in a long, though somewhat
uncomfortably held, fundamental distinction in quantum mechanics between
measurements and other processes. In particular, John von Neumann distin-
guished two types of quantum state change, or intervention: the first type be-
ing the sort taking place during measurement involving a process of subjective
perception of the measurement result by a percipient outside of the quantum
description, the second type being those taking place otherwise [444]. With
such a distinction, one can consistently treat measurement devices themselves
as quantum systems as above. By contrast, the approach of Niels Bohr in the
Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics is to consider measurement
apparatus as classical systems not described by quantum mechanics [310].
The discontinuous change of quantum state at the end of the measurement
process—that is, upon its coming to be known by a percipient—was taken by
von Neumann to be accompanied by a change in the state of the measured
system such that an immediate repetition of the measurement would with
certainty yield the same result as the initial measurement. This is sometimes
referred to as the repeatability hypothesis. Von Neumann accordingly invoked
what is now known as the (traditional) projection postulate used by Dirac,
Heisenberg, Pauli and others beginning in the late 1920s.
2.6 with the subsystem reduced state given by Eq. 1.49 which can result from
the unitary evolution of a composite system. A more detailed treatment of this
problem can be found in [380]. For a statistical perspective on the topics discussed
in this chapter one may wish to refer to [219].
Another alternative also not further discussed here due to its highly unpleasant
metaphysical implications but popular with some physicists and mathematicians
investigating quantum computing, most notably David Deutsch, is the so-called
many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics. In this interpretation, mea-
surement is to be fully described by a unitary evolution in the joint Hilbert space
of the measured system, the measuring system, and the entire environment of the
two, producing a von Neumann chain of superposition states of all these systems
of the sort given by Eq. 2.6, ultimately resulting in a “wavefunction of the uni-
verse” in an elaborate superposition state that never collapses; those portions of
the resulting ramifying set of situations in which different sets of measurement
outcomes are obtained by measurers are assumed in some way to be inaccessible
to one another; see [303] for a discussion of measurement under this interpreta-
tion and [381] for a discussion of metaphysical implications of the interpretation.
In essence, this interpretation attempts to circumvent the quantum measurement
problem by metaphysical fiat at the level of the entire universe, rather than in-
voking the subjective perception that is naturally present in any measurement
process the outcome of which comes to be known by a subject, as von Neumann
did. This idea was first carefully investigated by Hugh Everett III and John A.
Wheeler [134].
The name “projection postulate” itself was first given by Margenau in 1958 [295].
For his part, Dirac dictated that “a measurement always causes the system to
jump into an eigenstate of the dynamical variable being measured” [136].