56 3 Quantum nonlocality and interferometry
where one agent, say that of a quantum-key distributor Alice, chooses between
two polarization measurements along directions a and b of one of two parti-
cles and another agent, say a quantum-key receiver Bob, similarly chooses
between measurements along b or c of the other [456]. The direction common
to the two parties, b, can be taken to be one of the elements of the reference
basis {|0, |1} for the corresponding optical polarization-coincidence experi-
ment described by Fig. 3.1, where a qubit state parallel to a given polarizer
state is considered a “+” result and a state orthogonal to the polarizer state
is a “−” result. If every particle were to have hidden variables determining
the outcomes of the measurements on the particles, the probabilities of “+”
measurement outcomes on both sides, p
(i, j), would obey this inequality.
The assumptions of the derivation of Wigner’s inequality are that measure-
ment outcomes on the two particles in identical directions are anti-correlated
and that measurement outcomes on the two particles are independent of each
another, with the background assumption that the probabilities involved re-
fer to the statistics of an ensemble of identically prepared particle pairs. The
quantum-mechanical probability for such a result along arbitrary directions,
and θ
, for a pair of particles in the Bell singlet state |Ψ
− θ
) , (3.16)
produces a maximal deviation from the satisfaction of this inequality when,
for example, a = −
,b = 0 and c =
, three directions
radians apart,
which provides a value of −
for the left-hand-side of Eq. (3.15). The Wigner
inequality has been recently used to perform entangled-state quantum key
distribution in practice; see [449].
Such violations of Bell-type inequalities by quantum mechanics have by
this time been studied in great generality. Because they rely on fundamen-
tal properties of probability, the expressions bounding the probabilities and
expectation values in these inequalities can be derived by, for example, enu-
merating all conceivable classical possibilities. These can be viewed as extreme
points spanning the classical correlation polytopes, the faces of which are ex-
pressed by Bell-type inequalities; see Section A.8. All Bell-type inequalities
involve sums of (joint) probabilities and expectation values. To show the in-
compatibility of the predictions of quantum mechanics with these inequalities,
the quantum counterparts and expectation values can be substituted for the
probabilities and expectation values appearing in them. The results systemati-
cally show the violation of such local-realistic bounds by quantum-mechanical
Bell-type inequalities for pairs of systems of arbitrarily high
dimension have also been found [112].
All expressions entering the quantum expression corresponding to the pertinent
part of any Bell-type inequality are self-adjoint. Because the norm of the self-
adjoint transformation appearing in the inequality obeys the min-max principle,
finding the maximal violation of Bell inequalities corresponds to the solution of
a quantum eigenvalue problem, such as that for the Bell operator above. For a