1.5 The double-slit experiment 21
ward a given point.
Two distinct kinds of measurement apparatus can be
placed away from the beam-splitter, allowing measurements of spatial path
and interference to be made. In one apparatus, the features of the pattern of
interference between beams A and A
that are allowed to merge, as in Fig.
1.5, enable measurement of the visibility, v, of the interference pattern arising
P; a variable phaseshifter introduces a phase shift similarly to the way
that different path-lengths from diaphragm slits to a given point on the detec-
tion screen do in the double-slit experiment of Fig. 1.3. The other apparatus
consists of detectors placed in beams A and A
before they reach a common
point, and enables measurement of the distinguishability, D, of path, as shown
in Fig. 1.4. Now, in order to consider individual systems without conceptual
difficulty, let us consider the prediction of path rather than its retrodiction.
It may prove useful in this situation to introduce an ancillary quantum
extended class of experiments, there exist distinct ensemble preparations,
, both determining the same statistical operator ρ describing a single
qubit but such that the resulting distinguishabilities are unequal, that is,
P) = D(
) (1.35)
P) >P
, (1.36)
where P
is any measure of path distinguishability that depends only on the
statistical operator, ρ; one sees that path distinguishability is a function of
preparation rather than of statistical operator alone [239].
One must, therefore, consider all measurements (arrangements) that can
be made consistently with the preparation
P, not just two, and find a strategy
for predicting for each system in the ensemble whether it will most likely be
from beam A or from beam A
, where a strategy may make use of knowledge
of the preparation as well as the results of the measurements. The optimal
General quantum state preparations are discussed in the following chapter and
compared to quantum measurements.
Such a measure P
was proposed by Mandel [294]. Generically, preparations con-
sist of the conditions leading to the arrival of a quantum system in an instrument;
see Chapter 2. For example, preparations can involve ancillary systems correlated
with the system of interest in such a way that a single reduced density matrix
(about which, see Sect. 2.5) may result from two different preparations, which
preparations potentially provide additional information about the state beyond
that evident in the single-particle statistical operator. For example, the particle
may be described by a fully mixed qubit state when uncorrelated with any other
system or when part of a fully correlated composite system of two-qubits in a
maximally entangled state, such as |Ψ
; see Eq. 3.5, as well as Sect. 9.7. It is
important to note, nonetheless, that two systems described by the same statis-
tical operator are guaranteed to provide the same experimental results when no
additional information of this kind is provided.