48 3 Quantum nonlocality and interferometry
The more subtle contextual hidden-variables models, also introduced by
Bell, require not only λ but also other relevant parameters associated with
the conditions (or context) of their measurement to assign each projector
a definite value. This idea was further developed by Stanley Gudder, who
considered the context to be a maximal Boolean subalgebra of the lattice of
quantum Hilbert subspaces [202].
Algebraic contextuality involves the speci-
fication of any other quantities that are measured jointly with the quantity of
interest. Environmental contextuality involves there being some nonquantum-
mechanical interaction between the system subject to measurement and its
environment that occurs before measurement and influences the value of the
measured properties. An even weaker class of hidden-variables models, the
stochastic hidden-variables theories, requires the hidden variables and exper-
imental parameters to specify merely the probabilities of measurement out-
comes corresponding to projectors. Finally, a distinction is made between
local and nonlocal hidden-variables theories that becomes more clear as one
progresses through the series of significant results below; see, for example
Section 3.5. In the case of nonlocal hidden-variables theories, the action on a
subsystem of a composite system may have an immediate effect on another,
spacelike-separated system.
The results we examine now pertain to hidden-variables models, either di-
rectly or indirectly, and their relation to quantum statistics. These results and
associated empirical tests weigh mainly against the existence of hidden vari-
ables, but are ultimately insufficient to entirely eliminate the nonlocal type of
hidden-variables theory.
However, because the appeal of quantum cryptogra-
phy, for example, lies in the hope of absolute security in the sense of security
“guaranteed by the laws of nature” when eavesdroppers are allowed unlimited
technological capacities, such exotic hidden-variables theories remain impor-
tant to quantum information science and have recently begun to be explicitly
considered in regard to quantum cryptographic protocols; see, for example,
3.2 Von Neumann’s “no-go” theorem
The von Neumann “no-go” theorem explores dispersion-free states, thereby
addressing hidden-variables theories that might enable them as well [444].
One can imagine a situation wherein the measurement of a given quantity
attributed to an ensemble of systems gives different values even though all
members of the ensemble have the same specification. Then, either there exist
different subensembles distinguished by some hidden variable outside of the
See Sect. A.9 for associated mathematics.
In addition to the results described here, the Kochen–Specker theorem is discussed
briefly in Sect. A.8. A particularly noteworthy unified treatment of no-hidden-
variables theorems by N. David Mermin focusing on the Kochen–Specker theorem
should also be consulted [297].