1 Qubits 3
Because a familiarity with the various mathematical representations of the
qubit, which is the simplest nontrivial quantum system that can be considered
in quantum mechanics, is essential for understanding quantum information,
various representations of qubit states are reviewed in this chapter, as is their
interferometric behavior which endows quantum computers with added com-
putational power. The reader is reminded that quantum states are associated
with a complex Hilbert vector space, H, via a special class of linear operators
acting in it, the statistical operators, ρ, constituting the quantum state-space.
In the case of the pure qubit states, the statistical operators are projectors onto
one-dimensional subspaces and can be uniquely associated with points on the
boundary of the Bloch ball, known as the Poincar´e–Bloch sphere; pure states
can be equally well represented by these same one-dimensional subspaces (or
rays) {e
|ψ|φ ∈ R} or the state-vectors |ψ∈Hspanning them.
The re-
maining, essentially statistical states are mixed states that can be formed
from these pure states and lie in the interior of the Bloch ball.
The set of
statistical states available to a qubit system is concretely representable by the
2 × 2 complex Hermitian trace-one matrices [ρ
] ∈ H(2). By contrast, for the
full physical state description of a quantum system in spacetime, an infinite-
dimensional spatial representation is required in which the state-vectors are
referred to as wavefunctions. However, because quantum information theory
is based on the behavior of qubits and has thus far overwhelmingly dealt with
quantities with discrete eigenvalue spectra in the nonrelativistic regime, the
state-vectors considered here are usually taken to lie within finite-dimensional
Hilbert spaces constructed by taking the tensor product of multiple copies
of two-dimensional complex Hilbert space; in quantum mechanics, these are
traditionally associated with the spin subspaces of elementary particles; for
example, see [299]. Unless otherwise stated, the Hilbert spaces considered here
are only finite-dimensional subspaces of the larger full physical state-spaces
of particles, the other subspaces of which are rarely taken into account in the
study of quantum information processing.
For example, in many cases we
consider the polarization states of photons as the systems of interest, without
and subtly articulated by Abner Shimony [381], Peter Mittelstaedt [304], Michael
Redhead [348], Jeffrey Bub [90], and others. For the most part, space does not
allow these to be adequately addressed in this book.
The term “Hilbert space” (Hilbertraum) was itself first introduced by John von
Neumann [443]; see Sect. A.3 for its definition.
Here, Paul Dirac’s notation, described in Appendix A, has been used.
The possible qubit states are illustrated in Fig. 1.1, below. Note, however, that
mixed states cannot be written as linear combinations of state vectors but only
of statistical operators. The natural structure generalizing the Poincar´e–Bloch
sphere is the convex set, which may be used to study a variety of quantum systems;
see Appendix A and [300]. The distinction between pure and mixed states itself
is immediately addressed in detail in Sect. 1.1, below.
A review of quantum information in the context of continuous-variables systems
can be found in [81].