13.6 Quantum computational complexity 213
tation. For example, the Grover search algorithm provides a quadratic speedup
relative to any classical algorithm requiring a search component. It is impor-
tant to note that there have been, to date, a limited number of specific ex-
amples of quantum algorithms that achieve superpolynomial speedups over
classical algorithms. Most significant of these is the quantum Fourier trans-
form, which plays a role in Shor’s factoring algorithm. These two algorithms,
and others, are discussed in detail in the following chapter.
Quantum-computational complexity theory focuses primarily on the class
of problems known as BQP, for “bounded quantum polynomial” or “bounded
error probability, quantum polynomial time,” which is the quantum analogue
of the BPP class and which can in principle be solved in polynomial time by
a quantum computer. It can be seen that BPP⊆BQP, because a quantum
computer can simulate a probabilistic classical computer by simply prepar-
ing the state |and projecting it to the single-bit computational basis to
generate a random bit. It has also been shown that there is an oracle relative
to which there are problems in BQP that cannot be solved with small error
probability by probabilistic Turing machines running in n
O(log n)
steps, which
is evidence that quantum computers are fundamentally more powerful than
classical computers [56].
A quantum computer can be simulated on a classical computer with a
memory of polynomial size, so that BQP⊆PSPACE, despite the intuitive
sense one may have that exponential memory resources might be needed,
simply due to the fact that simulation of an n-qubit quantum circuit involves
matrices of size 2
. In particular, it is known that BQP⊆P
contained in PSPACE. The difference between classical and quantum com-
putation is rather one of efficiency. The relationships between BQP-class and
NP-class problems and between the class BQP and the class PH, “polyno-
mial hierarchy,” are currently of great interest. It is known that, relative to
a random oracle NP⊂BQP: a quantum computer is incapable of inverting
black-box (oracle) one-way functions [38].
The quantum analogue of the NP class for classical computation is the
class BQNP, “bounded error probability, quantum nondeterministic polyno-
mial.”AproblemisamemberofNP if an offered answer can be verified
within a time period growing no more rapidly than polynomially in the size
of the input; a computational problem is in BQNP if its solution can be
checked within a polynomial-time period on a quantum computer. Relative
to an oracle, the class BQP is not contained in the class known as MA
(the Merlin–Arthur class), the probabilistic generalization of NP [54].
ative to a random oracle, quantum computers also cannot solve NP-complete
Note, however, oracle results must be dealt with carefully, because they have often
proven misleading in the past.
Even were it found that P=NP, quantum computers may still be capable of
being more efficient than their classical counterparts. In the context of an inter-
active proof system, Merlin plays the role of prover and Arthur, a probabilistic
polynomial-time machine, plays the role of verifier; see Sect. 13.3.