10.7 Concatenation of quantum codes 183
[266]. The entanglement inherent in these code states allows one to combat the
unwanted entanglement of qubits with their environment. These code states
and those of the seven-qubit Steane code, like the GHZ state, can be shown
to contradict local realism; see Footnote 22 of Chapter 7 and [139].
10.7 Concatenation of quantum codes
In quantum concatenated coding, quantum codes are combined so that data
are encoded in some [n, k, d] code, as categorized analogously to classical cod-
ing discussed in Section 4.5, where n describes the size of the codespace, k
is the number of bits encoded, and d is the Hamming distance of the code.
Each qubit in a block of the first code is encoded an additional time, in an
, 1,d
] code. Qubits forming blocks in the second code can be further en-
coded using an [n
, 1,d
After encoding is complete, one has an [nn
To find the error syndrome for a concatenated code, one first finds the error
syndrome for the [n
, 1,d
blocks of n
qubits. One then finds the error syndrome for the [n
, 1,d
code at the second level of code, and so on, for all l levels of code, each level
being measured in parallel. One thus finds the error syndrome for the overall
code in a total number of steps obtained by summing those required at each
level of code. A simplification often made is to assume that the operations
at level j are essentially similar to the operations at level j +1, as in the
above example. This coding method allows frequently occurring errors to be
preferentially corrected.
In the evolution of an encoded state, the effect of errors is reduced by such
concatenation, simultaneously allowing for error correction at various levels.
For sufficiently low basic-error rates, arbitrarily long computations can be
performed with arbitrarily low error-rates by implementing a sufficient number
of concatenation levels, allowing one to accomplish fault-tolerant quantum
computation, providing a computational accuracy threshold; for example, see
[345]. The nine-bit Shor code discussed in Section 10.5 is an example of the
use of the quantum dual to the Reed–M¨ullercodeastheinnercode,where
GHZ-type states were used as the inner code the logical qubits of which were
then encoded with the three-logical-qubit repetition code as the outer code.
As mentioned previously, one can similarly view some of the states of the Bell
gem G
of Eq. 7.63 as the result of the encoding |0(1) →|Ψ
= |0(1)
repeated once [235].