192 12 Quantum key distribution
Cryptosystems are of one of two types, symmetrical or asymmetrical. Sym-
metrical systems are those that use the same (shared) key for encryption and
decryption; asymmetrical systems are those that use different keys for encryp-
tion and decryption. Public-key cryptosystems are asymmetrical, and function
as follows. The receiver of a private message, Bob, first creates or obtains a
private key that he keeps secret. Bob then creates a corresponding public
key using this private key and provides it to the eventual sender, Alice. Alice
uses Bob’s public key to encrypt her message and transmits this encrypted
message to him. Finally, Bob decrypts the cryptogram produced by Alice us-
ing his private key. The security of a public-key cryptosystem is based on
the difficulty—more precisely, the computational complexity—of decrypting
encoded messages. Traditionally, mathematical one-way functions, which are
functions that are believed to be hard to invert, have been used in public key
cryptosystems. There is currently no publicly known proof that such functions
are so; the deduction of x from a putative one-way function, f(x), is believed
to be hard in the sense that the time required to invert the function grows
exponentially with the size of the input information, as opposed to growing at
most polynomially.
Examples of such functions include exponentiation mod-
ulo p, the RSA function, and the Rabin function [296]. Multiplying integers is
a convenient method of encryption because the inverse operation of factoring
has a trap door, that is, it is easy to perform the required inversion with
additional information.
However, Shor’s polynomial-complexity quantum algorithm enables the
fast factorization of integers; see Chapter 14 below. If realized in practice
for sufficiently large numbers, this algorithm would render insecure cryptog-
raphy using such factoring-based public-key cryptosystems. Thus, quantum
information processing poses a potentially great threat to this popular form
of information security. The only cipher proven to be secure is a symmetri-
cal cipher, the one-time pad (also known as the Vernam cipher [434]), which
proceeds as follows.
Sender Alice encrypts her message, M, originally put
into the form of a string of plaintext bits, m
keystream, K)ofbits,k
, by summing via binary addition (⊕) each bit of
the message to a corresponding key bit, resulting in an encrypted string of
bits c
⊕ k
⊕ k
) ...(m
⊕ k
) that comprises the cryp-
togram, C. After transmission, receiver Bob decrypts the message using the
same shared key, by the inverse operation of binary subtraction, returning
the m
= c
⊕ k
. With this cryptosystem, one has H(M |C)=H(M)and
For a discussion of computational complexity, see Chapter 13.1.
Again, it is not presently publicly known whether factoring is indeed hard by
traditional computational means, but it appears to be.
The one-time pad cipher was first discovered in 1917 by Gilbert Vernam of AT&T
and Joseph Mauborgne, who was then a captain in the U.S. Army and later was
head of the U.S. Signal Corps lab in the U.S. Bureau of Standards and Chief
of the Signal Corps, continuing until several months before the attack on Pearl