160 9 Quantum communication
state of the second system and find bases for the first system and purifications
giving rise to that statistical operator by measurements of the first system.
This result, known as the GHJW theorem,wasshownbyGisin,Hughston,
Jozsa, and Wootters [187, 229], is similar to a result originally obtained by
Schr¨odinger [249, 298], and has been extended by Cassinelli et al. [99].
This result can also be seen to describe “quantum erasure” at its most
general, in that it describes the effect of the choice of measurement basis or,
equivalently, choice of measurement apparatus: the information obtained by
a measurement of system B, when classically communicated to A, results in
a change of the description of the subsystem at A. It shows that any finite
ensemble of bipartite quantum states can be remotely prepared by two agents
in distant laboratories through local operations and classical communication
(LOCC). A range of experiments demonstrating quantum erasure have been
carried out (cf. [213]).
9.8 Quantum dense coding
A quantum communication scheme that provides insight into the value of
entanglement for facilitating communication is quantum dense coding,first
proposed by Charles Bennett and Stephen Wiesner [52]. Without shared en-
tanglement, the transmission of a single qubit between Alice and Bob can
only communicate one bit of information, as per Holevo’s theorem. Because
sending two units of information requires twice the resources needed to send
a single unit of information, Holevo’s theorem appears to require two qubits
to be physically transmitted to send two bits of information when using a
quantum channel. A property of systems in Bell states is that local opera-
tions on one qubit of the pertinent pair enable transformations between any
one of the Bell states and any other. Quantum dense coding is a means of
using a Bell state already shared by Alice and Bob that exploits this property
to achieve the transmission of two bits of information by directly transmit-
ting only one qubit. Quantum dense coding demonstrates that the addition
of shared entanglement resources can enable Alice and Bob, in effect, to en-
hance the capacity of a shared quantum channel “beyond” the Holevo limit,
as mentioned in Section 9.2 above.
A standard implementation of quantum dense coding proceeds as follows.
(i) Alice and Bob are provided with a shared pair of qubits in one of the
states of the Bell basis, say, the singlet state |Ψ
(ii) Alice performs on her qubit either the identity, basis-state flip, phase
flip or basis-state+phase flip transformation, placing the full two-qubit system
in the one of the four Bell states of her choice, then sends it to Bob.
(iii) Bob performs a Bell-state measurement on the pair of qubits now
completely in his possession, providing him with two bits of information.
This theorem is not to be confused with the identically named factorization the-
orem in differential geometry.