140 8 Quantum state and process estimation
8.1 Quantum state tomography
Given measurements on an ensemble of copies of a given quantum system,
the state can be estimated by quantum state tomography. Historically, G. G.
Stokes first introduced such a method, involving the four basic parameters
that now bear his name and that are still commonly used to describe the
polarization state of a light beam [406]. Such simple parameters also allow
one to find the statistical operator describing a qubit ensemble, locating it in
the Poincar´e–Bloch sphere as described in Section 1.3 [241].
This procedure
is now known as qubit-state tomography.
Qubit-state tomography can be readily extended to multiple-qubit sys-
tems,aswellastomultiple-qu-d-it systems in which case it is referred to as
qu-d-it-state tomography [420]. In general, (d
−1) parameters must be mea-
sured to reconstruct a state lying in a d-dimensional complex Hilbert space,
as the global phase is not physical relevant. To find the state of a qubit, only
three quantities need be found, corresponding to the Stokes parameters S
(i =1, 2, 3). The measurement of coincidence-count rates for multipartite sys-
tems correspond to generalized Stokes parameters and allow for the extension
of this method to the tomography of multiple-qubit states. In particular, the
statistical operator representing a quantum system state can, in principle,
be found from a direct linear transformation of correlation data, correspond-
ing to the generalized Stokes parameters [180, 459]. However, measurement
errors and/or environmental noise may render ill-defined the operators con-
structed in this straightforward way, such as when the resulting matrices fail
to be completely positive. Therefore, care must be taken to provide estimated
states that are well defined. This generally requires additional measurements,
as in the case of single qubits where one also measures the Stokes parameter
[118]. A necessary and sufficient condition for the completeness of a set of
tomographic measurement vectors (or tomographic states), is that the matrix
of expectation values of the full set of Pauli-group operators, corresponding
to measurement bases, be nonsingular.
This condition is the requirement
for obtaining a well-defined density matrix from the data set of normalized
coincidence-measurement outcomes.
Quantum state tomography of multiple-qubit systems can be carried out
as follows. One first obtains a number of identical copies of the system in the
unknown state ρ to be determined. One then measures the system properties
using either a complete set of von Neumann measurements or a POVM [332].
The standard requirements for a matrix to represent a statistical operator are
then kept in force during the construction of the matrix best representing ρ
given the resulting data. A likelihood functional, L, that describes the qual-
ity of the estimated density matrix can be used to produce such a matrix.
One finds the optimal set of variables, for which the likelihood functional is
Modern quantum tomography was first investigated in [277, 278, 346, 441].
The Pauli group is defined in Sect. 10.4, below.