234 A Mathematical elements
A Hilbert space, H, is a complete complex vector space with an inner
product for which (u, u) ≥ 0 for all u ∈H.AmapA : H→H, u → Au is a
linear operator if, for all u, v ∈Hand scalars a ∈ F :
(i) A(u + v)=Au + Av;and
(ii) A(au)=a(Au).
If, instead of (ii), one has A(au)=a
(Au), then A is an anti-linear operator.
(Together, the linear and anti-linear operators are fundamental to quantum
mechanics; see Wigner’s theorem, below.)
A vector space with an inner product, such as a Hilbert space, can be
attributed a norm ||·||=(v, v)
, which provides a distance via d(v, w)=
||v − w||. Such a vector space is separable if there exists a countable subset
in the space that is everywhere dense, that is, for every vector there is an
element of the space within a distance of it for every positive real ; the space
is complete if every Cauchy sequence—namely, every sequence such that for
every >0thereisanumberN() such that ||v
|| <if m, n > N()—
has a limit in the space. (For finite-dimensional spaces, one usually considers
the norm topology, although weak topologies may be required to define needed
limits and to give proper definitions of continuity.) A subspace of a Hilbert
space H is a closed linear manifold, that is, a linear manifold containing its
limit points; a linear manifold in H is a collection of vectors such that the
scalar multiples and sums of all its vectors are in it.
A bounded linear operator is a linear transformation L between normed
vector spaces V and W such that the ratio of the norm of L(v) to the norm
of v is bounded by the same number, for all non-zero vectors v ∈ V .The
set of bounded linear operators on a Hilbert space H is designated B(H).
The sum of two operators A and B, A + B, is another operator defined by
(A + B)v = Av + Bv, for all v ∈H; multiplication of an operator by a scalar
a is defined by (aA)v = a(Av), for all v ∈H; multiplication of two operators
is defined by (AB)v = A(Bv), for all v ∈H.Thezero operator, O,and
the unit operator
, I, are defined by Ov = 0 and Iv = v, respectively. An
operator B is the inverse of another operator A whenever AB = BA = I;it
can be written B = A
. Two operators A and B commute if the commutator
[A, B] ≡ AB − BA = 0. A ordering relation A ≥ B for self-adjoint bounded
linear operators is defined by A −B ≥ O.
A nonzero vector v ∈His an eigenvector of the linear operator A if Av =
λv, for any scalar λ, which is said to be the eigenvalue of A corresponding to
(A − λI)v = 0 . (A.4)
By considering the linear operator A in its matrix representation, the solutions
to this eigenvalue problem can be found by solving the characteristic equation
det(A −λI) = 0, the left-hand side of which, in cases where A has a finite set
(spectrum) of eigenvalues, is an nth-degree polynomial in λ.